09. flipside

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Song of the chapter is Secret Life by Bleachers ft. Lana Del Rey

-Kartik Malhotra-

-09--Kartik Malhotra--Present-

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Malhotra Mansion
11 November, 2030
10:29 pm

"It's not in the best condition. But I'm sure you won't have too many problems."

That's what my dad had said about our house when I had called him to inform him that Siya and I were coming to Delmore for the reunion.

Looking at my house right now, I could gladly state that that was a lie.

The once ornate and sumptuous Malhotra Mansion, with white high rise ceilings and posh coral wallpapers, was now in disarray. The high rise ceilings had a few good cracks in them and the coral wallpapers were almost coming off. The staircase pushed to the side of the house needed repair, so did the door hinges.

The house was a mess.

As I looked around some more, Siya said to me, "It's not the same.....but It's....not that bad."

I looked back at her. "Siya, you can tell the truth. My dad isn't here so you won't hurt his feelings, don't worry."

She smiled softly. "Come on, Kartik. Give him a break. He's a busy man, still handling his business....at the age of 60. He probably doesn't stay here that often, you know...with his meetings and everything."

I nodded, looking away. "Yeah, I know he doesn't stay here that often. But it's not because of his meetings and business deals."

Siya walked up to me, asking, "Then why?"

"He doesn't like staying in this big house.... because it reminds him of....her."

As the words leave my mouth, Siya's face hardens and settles on a shade of guilt. From the change in her expression, I know she understood who I was referring to.

"Plus.... neither mom nor I visit this place....so he finds no purpose to come back here." I added.

Siya nodded simply, but didn't say anything in response.

"I remember he once called me to tell me all this. He was probably shit-faced drunk to remember anything in the morning." I finished, trying to lighten the mood.

But Siya didn't so much as smile. An uncomfortableness was etched on her face.

"Do you wanna get something to eat-"

"Do you think.... it's fine...for me to stay...here?"

Her question didn't bother me at the least. I knew she was going to face a wave of an internal battle that had been brewing in her mind for the past eleven years.

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