Asking to kiss turns into a make out -Tsukishima

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"Uh... what?"

"I can't date someone who does know how to kiss. Sorry." You watched as he left sighing to yourself. You knew it'd be a curse. You slowly walked back home letting the tears fall. You knew one day it'd come back and hunt you. You've never been kissed, therefore you never learned how. You couldn't go home and face your mother. So you settled on going to Tsukishima's. He's been a friend ever since you called Kageyama king, and stood up for Yamaguchi. You slowly knocked on his door hugging yourself.

"Y/n? I didn't expect to see-" You cut him off wrapping your arms around his waist. "Huh? Oh... you confessed didn't you?" All you could do was nod your head as the tears fell. "And he-" Tsukishima stopped, not wanting to hurt you more.

"Yeah... he did." Tsukishima felt his heart clench as you looked up at him with those big tear eyes and puffy cheeks.

"Come on." He grabbed your hand and led you to his room. "Sit, I'll get you some water." Once he did that he asked for the story. You moved around nervously and began to mess with your fingers.

"He couldn't date someone... who doesn't know how to kiss..." You admitted and turned your head to the side. You've never told anyone this, and you're not sure how he knew about it.

"I... You've never been kissed?" Here it comes, you thought. But he wasn't going to make fun of you. Of course, he would've, if he didn't see how hurt you look right now. "It's surprising that's all." You looked at him and sighed.

"It's embarrassing." You really liked C/n. He'd flirt with you and seemed to care about you a lot. Only, in the end, you were the one who really cared. "I'm such an idiot, Tsukishima." You buried your head into your hands.

"You're not an idiot. He is. What kind of guy flirts with someone, leads them on, and rejects them because they've never been kissed?" You peeked your eyes through your fingers. "He should've been honored to be your first." You looked up at him fully shocked, honored? You watched as he began to go back to doing what he was doing before you came here. Which was studying, of course. "Need help learning anything?" You looked at him carefully.

"Uh, yeah..." You walked over to him, sitting on his stool as he sat in his desk chair. "I want to learn how to kiss." Tsukishima's eyes widen.


"I want to learn to kiss. I want you to teach me... you're really the only guy I know... Besides Yamaguchi, and he'd probably pass out if I asked him. And besides... I'm closer to you than him." Tsukishima sighed and looked at you after your reasoning.

"You really want me to help you?"

"Please. Teach me to kiss."

"Fine... but you owe me." You beamed at him, smiling brightly.

"Of course, Tsuki anything!" He took his glasses off and shook his head before putting his glasses on again looking at you, turning his body so all of him was facing you.

"Okay, close your eyes." You did as told and the tall boy sighed, wiping his hands on his palm before placing it on your cheek. He's so warm. You melted into his hand without realizing it and before you knew it, his lips met yours. "That was a peck." You slowly open your eyes as he backed away a little. You blushed at how close he is to you. "Now you're going to have to go off my actions, it's a little hard to explain." You nodded your head at him closing your eyes again. He placed his lips back onto yours and slowly moved them. You followed moving your lips with his. Placing a hand onto his shoulder as he pulled you closer. "It's really an instinct thing, once you get used to it and it gets heated, people usually add the tongue. They usually lick along your lip as if asking permission, others usually grab hold of something squeezing it, and once the other person gasps, they slid it in." You looked at him as he spoke before touching your lips.

"Got it." He looked down at you and gulped before slowly leaning down again capturing your lips. Your lips moved them against his slowly. You're not sure if it's because it's Tsukishima your kissing or the feeling of his lips on yours or the whole thing, but you couldn't help but think how hot your friend is. Tsukishima's always been there for you since you first met. Always encouraged you to talk to your crush. He even once offered to help you flirt with him. But flirting is different than kissing. Sure he helped you aim flirtatious marks by flirting with him, but kissing him was different. Having him move his hands to parts of your body and rub circles with his thumb, was different than flirting. His lips were softly moving against yours, and it made you realize.

It's Tsuki, he's always been here since day one. Helping you get over your shyness. It's him you'd rather be kissing and not that asshole C/n. You placed a hand to the back of his neck bringing him closer. Tsukishima smirked into the kiss before doing the same. You're hoping to show him how much you realized you like him in this kiss. You tugged on the bottom of his hair making him moan into this kiss. You wanted to hear that sound over and over again, so you tugged on it again. Frowning a little as he didn't make a noise. Until the noise left your mouth as he squeezed your thigh, others usually grab hold of something squeezing it, and once the other person gasps, they slid in. As you continued to move your lips with his you felt him lick your bottom lip. You opened your mouth a little, letting him slip in his tongue. You two stayed like that for a while, kissing as Tsukishima's tongue explored your mouth until his tongue massaged yours. You let out another moan before moving your tongue against his. You felt him place both hands onto your hips before pulling you onto his lap. You placed both hands onto his shoulders as you got more comfortable. This started so innocent, but now. Not so much. You subconsciously move your hips against his, getting the moan you've been wanting. Making you moan, he grabbed your hips tightly before pulling away.

"Am I getting better?" He looked up at you before smiling.

"Yeah. You are."

"Tsuki..." You looked down at his lips before smiling. "The real reason I wanted you to teach me was... because I realized I like you." He smiled at you before kissing you gently.

"Why do you think I accepted your offer? Definitely not because I wanted to help you kiss someone else. As I said, that guy should've been honored. I know I am." You smiled with a little blush on your cheeks before pecking his lips.

"You are an amazing teacher."

"Hm. Need more help learning other things?"

"Hm." You grind your hips against his and smiled. "I think we waited long enough, huh?" This is why he liked you, you're not shy around him, and when you want something. You get it.

"I think we have." He grabbed your hips and carried you to his bed. This is going to be a long night.

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