Just cramps- Iwazumi

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You rolled over sighing, you looked down. Shit, you threw the blanket off you, dashing to the bathroom. You quickly got a pad from under the sink in your bathroom. You quickly sat on the toilet, sighing when you saw no blood. Yeah. You finished your business and changed, heading for school. You grumpily made your way to the group, seeing Iwazumi was getting his cousin set up today in school. So he headed out first, you didn't mind the walk. Just hated that with each step you took, blood came out. At times like these, you really hate being a girl. The group looked at you as you opened your locker with a little more force. You stayed quiet letting the group talk among themselves. Turning around and looked at Oikawa who tapped your shoulder. Aside from the painful cramps going through your stomach, and the grudge to give him the best glare you could, but despite how you feel or what you feel like you want to do. You gave him the fakest most realistic smile you have and asked 'what's up?'

"I was just wondering, are you okay? You seem tenser and.. uh, well, a little off." Aw, how sweet, can I gut him? You thought before smiling at the innocent boy.

"I'm fine, just fine. Why do you ask?" You said calmly as you slammed the locker, he backed up a little, scared out of his mind.

"Uh, n-no, reason."

"Do I not look completely fine?" You asked glaring at him while smiling innocently.

"Uh, Y/n, you're starting to freak me out.." You looked at Oikawa.

"Good." Oikawa sighed, putting his head down, "Sorry." He looked up at you and this time, you looked down. It's not their fault you feel like killing them all. Just your damn cramps and the fact you have blood coming out of you, dripping down like water onto your pad.

"Y/n, are you sure you're okay?" You looked at F/n with an irritated look, she jumped making you sigh. Be nice.

"I will be." You smiled weakly and sighed. There's no way you could go on a proper date with Iwaizumi this week, but what would your excuse be? You know guys hate anything related to women's problems. You made contact with the two as Iwaizumi and his cousin walked over.

"Hey, babe." He called out.

"Hey," You responded while weakly smiling, he caught on though.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah.. actually not really. I'm going to have to cancel our dinner plans."

"Did something come up?"

"No, not really. I'm just not feeling well."

"Oh, I'll come over instead. We can stay in and have a movie night."

"No. I-I mean it's okay."

"What's going on, Y/n? You're acting weird..." You sighed, oh boy.

"Nothing Zumi," You said as you just wanted to cry as you felt another cramp coming on. You felt bad. You've been dating for a while now and everything, but you know how guys feel about periods. You kept your eyes on the ground until Iwaizumi placed his hand on your shoulder, making you look up and meet his beautiful eyes. A thousand butterflies erupted in your stomach as they always do when you look at him, making you immediately smile, a real smile. He nodded in response before wrapping his arms around you as you snuggled further into him. You secretly looked up at him. You are so stupid. You don't know why you just didn't tell him it's that time of the month...

"You're staring." He smirked and looked down at you.

You blushed and looked away. You thought he was talking to the guys. "No, I'm... gazing." He laughed before going back to talking to the guys. F/n tapped your shoulder, you looked at them seeing all the girls huddled up. "Hey, babe, I'm going to talk to the girls for a second." He kissed your head before letting go of your waist. You backed up letting the girls pull you into their circle.

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