New Girl- Fukunaga

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You looked down at the ground as you walked into your new school. In the many schools you've been to, you learned to keep your head down and avoid everyone. You probably won't be here for long anyway. You miss your home. The one before the first move, you walked into the office looking up finally. "Hi, my name is, L/n Y/n." The woman nodded her head typing away.

"Here's your schedule along with your locker number and combination." You nodded your head taking the papers, "If you need anything, ask your teachers or me, and we'll be glad to help. Welcome to Nekoma." You smiled nodding your head.

"Thank you, miss." You walked out of the office, keeping your eye on your locker number, looking up occasionally to look at the numbers on the lockers. You put the paper in your pocket when you reached your locker. You put your combination in, put up the books you didn't need, and headed to class as the bell rang. You stood there for a second as everyone else was seated.

"Are you new?" You looked at a kid, nodding your head, the teacher walked in and smiled.

"Class, this is our new student, L/n Y/n. Is there anything you liked to say?" You shook your head, you're also a really shy person. Unless you really know someone. You also learned from your first school, that you were not to cut out speaking in front of a bunch of people. "Okay, class make her feel welcome, you can sit next to Kuroo Tetsuro. Kuroo, hand up, please." You looked at the rooster head who raised his hand, you sat down beside him.

"Hi, I'm Kuroo."

"L/n." You said quietly before getting out your book.

"You don't talk much do you?"

"Not really. This is like my 10th new school." This caught a kid with pudding hair, brown hair with yellow roots, cat-like eyes.

"Really?" You nodded your head, the pudding boy looked at Kuroo. "Well, in that case, don't mind Kuroo. He's an idiot."

"Oi, Kenma?" You looked between the two.

"You two friends?"

"Eh, I guess he's okay." You laughed quietly as Kuroo looked offended.

"Do you have any friends?" You stopped laughing and grew nervous again, you began to rub your hands together under the desk.

"Uh, I... usually don't stay long enough to..." You told them honestly.

"Wow, well, we can be your new friends."

"Don't force your friendship on her Kuroo, she'll regret it. No wonder you can't keep a girlfriend." You bit your lip as Kenma began to play his game, then it accrued to you, someone actually wants to be your friend.

"I... you w-want to be my f-friend?" You asked making sure you heard correctly.

"Yeah. We can introduce you to the team."


"He means the volleyball team."

"Oh, do you play to Kenma?"

"Yeah, unfortunately, some big idiot won't let me quit."

"Because we need you!" You looked between the two again.

"Do you enjoy it?"

"Eh, I guess it's okay. Resoniately I've been wanting to play more due to my friend Hinata. But other than that, it's okay."

"Don't mind him, he's always like this."

"Hm? I don't mind." Kenma looked at you confused as well as Kuroo. "If Kenma is comfortable speaking like this, then who am I to judge?" Kuroo smirked as Kenma went back to his game.


"You're a really good person, you know that?"

"Uh, thanks?"

"I meant that as a good thing." You smiled softly at him.

"Do you wear makeup?" You were shocked by Kenma's question.

"Um, I believe I don't. I think makeup hides people's true beauty." Kuroo smirked at your answer.


"Why do you ask?"

"No reason, Hinata's sister wanted to know who the pretty girl was behind me." He showed you his phone, letting you see an orange-haired kid and a boy.

"Uh, hi." You waved slowly at the two.

"Oi, Kenma come on, we have to go to our lockers." The boys walked you to your locker and made chit-chat. Until other boys came over.

"Prety lady!" Kuroo stopped Yamamoto.

"Who's this?" You looked up, then kept looking up, yeah, a little more up, almost there, and there, my god, he's tall.

"Oh, this is L/n, she's new, L/n, this is Lev and Yamamoto."

"And?" You looked down meeting a shorter boy's height.

"And Yaku." You looked up as the bell went off.

"Nice to meet you guys, I should get to class. Bye!" You shut your locker quickly and walked down the halls, head down, of course. You jumped out of your skin when someone pulled you to the side, dipping you slightly. You looked up to see the gorgeous eyes ever, "Um, hi?" You awkwardly held onto his arms, he blinked before helping you stand.

"Sorry, that guy was going to bump into you..." You barely heard it, but you did, you looked behind you then at the guy.

"Oh, well, thank you. I'm L/n Y/n, but please, call me Y/n."

"Oh, are you new?"

"That obvious?"

"No, just..."

"Just...?" You asked when he suddenly stopped.
"Just... I would've recognized you if I'd seen you before..."


"Nothing bad... just you're a beautiful girl, and... w-well, I would've recognized you..." He looked embarrassed, you smiled softly about to speak until you heard-

"L/n!" You looked at Kuroo.

"Uh, yes?"

"Kenma wants to know if you want to sit with us at lunch?"

"Don't lie, he wants you to sit with us too." You smiled at the two.

"Sure. I was just chatting with-"


"Kuroo. Kenma." He nodded his head a little.
"I should get to class. Bye boys." You walked away heading to your next class, sitting down in an empty seat.

"Hi again." You looked at Fukunaga as he sat beside you.

"Hey, sorry for rushing out, just didn't want to be late on the first day."

"It's fine." You nodded your head before looking out the window. "How is that going?" You furred your brows looking at him. "Your first day?"

"Oh, good, I guess." You whispered back. "Better than my previous ones."

"Oh, that's good, I guess." You down at his bag.
"You play volleyball?"

"Hm?" He followed your gaze. "Yeah, but I'm not that good." You furred your brows.

"Put faith into yourself."

"Says the one who walks with her head down."

"Touche, but also says the one who speaks low." He gave you a look before sighing.

"Touche." You both laughed lightly getting looks from those near, your smile faded as you began to look out the window again. "Don't worry about them." You looked back at Fukunaga. "They just wish they were as beautiful as you." You looked at him laughing.

"I'm not beautiful."

"You are though." You were about to object, but his face held all sincerity like he was sure in what he was saying. "See you're not disagreeing." You stuck your tongue out at him before looking out the window, smiling secretly to yourself.

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