Lonely- Atsumu

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Staring at the ceiling, wondering why it'd be like to have someone beside you. Silent tears fell down your face for no real reason. Maybe it was because you were lonely. Every night you do this. Staring at the ceiling hoping no one else feels this emptiness. This loneliness. Hoping they have someone to make them laugh, and smile. Turning on your side, trying to go to sleep. Right on time, your phone turns on, letting light shine through the darkroom. You sighed turning your phone over to see if someone messaged. A smile falling onto your face at the message.

From: Sumu!!

Hey, are ya up?

You laughed before rolling onto your back, not fighting back the smile that won't disappear.

To: Sumu!!

Hey, I am. Why are you up, tho?

Even on the weekends, he always seemed to fall asleep early.

From: Sumu!!

Haha, couldn't sleep The first person I thought of was ya.

Your heart swoon at his words.

To: Sumu!!

Want to come over? We could watch a movie

You were hoping you didn't sound too desperate.

From: Sumu!

Ha, ya read my mind, I'm outside yer door.

You immediately got up and opened your front door. He wasn't joking, he was standing there with a blanket and a pillow. You laughed letting in your friend/crush. He flopped down on the couch. "What would you of done if I didn't suggest it?"

"Then I would've suggested it, duh."

"Oh okay. And if I turned down your suggestion?"

"Then I would've told ya to open yer door."

"So I didn't have a choice?" You crossed your arms looking down at him.

"Pretty much." You rolled your eyes before scrolling through Netflix. Finding the series you both enjoyed. You laid down your back facing Atsumu's chest. This was how you normally watched the show. But today, Atsumu decided to be bold, he grabbed your side, letting you lay on your back. His hand is on the exposed part of your side. You ignored the way your heart was reacting to his touch, you ignored the tingling feeling that came with it. Keeping your breathing under control you hope he can hear your heartbeat. Atsumu didn't pay attention to the season of your favorite show playing on the tv. To be honest, he wasn't that interested in it. He just loved the way you'd smile at the cringy scenes, and frown as you frown at the sad scenes, but then he'd smile when you began to argue about how oblivious the characters are.

"That was stupid, he was stupid." He watched as you paused the show and began to rant. "Who does that to the person they like? Chase after her, you idiot!" He laughed lightly, getting your attention. "It. Is. Not. Funny." He laughed more pulling you into him, making you face him, you froze, your breath hitched, you felt sick, but in a good way.

"Yer so adorable when ya upset." You couldn't breathe why is he acting like this? He let out a shaky breath. "I'm worried about ya, Y/n. Ya don't get enough sleep at night. I can tell. Why?" Your eyes widen, before sighing. Closing your eyes.

"I just... I feel so lonely in this house by myself." Atsumu looked at you in shock.

"Y/n, ya don't have to feel lonely, if ya need someone to make ya feel less Ionely, call me. I'll come running, doesn't matter if 'm asleep or halfway across the country. I'll be here. Okay? I care about ya." You smiled at his words, scooting closer to him.

"I love you." You whispered, letting your walls down.

"I love ya, too Y/n." You looked at him ready to tell him you didn't mean it that way, when he lowed his head, capturing your lips into a sweet kiss. You felt yourself melt as you kissed back. "So much more than a friend."

"Same." You both laughed nuzzling his head into your neck. You smiled to yourself.

"Ya don't ever have to feel lonely with me, mk? Call me in the middle of the night, I don't care. I'll make sure I can put you to sleep. Mk?"

"Hm, thank you, Sumu. I love you." He kissed your head before turning the show-off.

"I love ya too. Now let's get some sleep."


When you woke up, you noticed Atsumu was still asleep. You brought a hand to your lips smiling like a little kid. You still can't believe you got the guy of your dreams. You removed your hand from your lips and traced his face, smiling softly as he stirred. "Morning." Your heart skipped a beat at his morning voice.


"Ya know, I was thinking. Why don't ya stay with me and Samu, that way when ya feel lonely, I'm next to ya, to remind ya yer not." You smiled softly.

"I'd love that, Sumu. You're too good for me."

"Nonsense. Yer are too good for me." You nuzzled your head into his chest. You still couldn't believe this. You finally got the guy of your dreams. "I love ya."

"I love you too, Atsumu. So much."

"Come on, Y/n, let's go back to sleep."

"Babe, it's 3 in the afternoon." You both laughed.

"Right. Then, let's get up and get ya packed. I'll text Samu, to let him know."

"Okay, then can we get breakfast." He smiled down at you.

"Of course, baby." You could get used to this.

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