Needs and wants- Sugawara

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Ever since you got that phone call, you had your heart held in a tight fist. It felt as if you had something squishing your chest, not allowing you to breathe. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima rushed you to the hospital, the talk with the woman at the desk was quick. One of the doctors came up to you, saying he'll show you where he is. "We don't know if either one of them will wake up. But they're stable." The only thing going through your head right now is, please be okay. You played with the bracelet Sugawara gave you as he spoke again. "We don't know when they will wake, or if they will, all we can do is keep them comfortable."

"Comfortable? I know that word, isn't that for when they die?"

"Sometimes, it's really just in case thing, we want them to be comfortable. At all times. It helps ease the patient's parents or girlfriends." You smiled slightly before looking at the room. "This is Sagawara's room, Daichi's is across the hall, and Asahi is next door to Daichi." You looked back at Sugawara's room then the doctor.

"Thank you." You moved the bracelet around peeking through the doorway before walking in fully. The first thing you saw was Suga on the hospital bed, sleeping peacefully. You couldn't help but smile at the sight, finally walking inside the room. He didn't look so good after the accident, you had to admit; some cuts and bruises were still visible despite the bandages and patches, and his skin was paler, which made me worry more. Even though the doctor said he was fine, for now. You can't help but be worried. Walking slowly and silently to the bed, you sighed quietly as you looked at your boyfriend. All you wished for at this moment was for him to wake up. You just want to look him in his big hazel-brown eyes and tell him it's okay.

You sat on the chair next to his bed and sighed quietly again, leaning over slightly so you could easily hold his hand in both of yours. "Hey, baby." You rubbed his arm. "You need to wake up okay?" You looked at his sleeping face. "I... I can't lose you, baby. Not you."

"You won't." You looked behind you, jumping slightly as Asahi closed the door.

"Asahi? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. How is he?"

"Stable. Comfortable. To be honest, I don't think they even know." You sat back down, placing his hand back into yours. "What were y'all doing out so late anyway?"

"That may have been my fault." You looked at Asahi confused, his fault?

"Your fault?"

"Were you in trouble?" You looked down nodding your head.

"Yeah, someone broke into the house, but uh, I wasn't there."

"Yeah, I told them someone was there. You know, through the security camera Sugawara set up for you. Didn't take long before Suga jumped in the car."

"What happened?"

"We were speeding down the road one minute, the next, getting hit by a car. How's Daichi?"

"I don't know. I haven't visited him yet. I just got here." You rested your head on Suga's hand, smiling softly.

"I'm sorry."


"All this, not knowing if he'll wake up or not. Did you at least tell him?" You shook your head sitting up scooting the chair closer.

"No, I haven't."

"I specifically said too. You need to tell him."

"I know.." You looked at him as he smiled before getting up.

"I'm going to go check on Daichi." He walked to the door looking back at you. "Tell him, okay?" You sighed, moving Suga's arm up a little so you could sit beside him. "I need you to wake up okay? I have three very important words to tell you, Ko. I can't lose you, not yet, not now. You promised me. You promised.. you promised me happy moments, Koshi. I want you to open your eyes, tell me everything will be okay. I wish there was a way I could save you. Please come back to me. Please." You let your head fall against his hand, as you held it tightly into yours, you kissed his hand before looking at the door seeing a woman. "Oh, um, sorry. You probably want to talk to him." You placed his hand gently on the bed before heading for the door.

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