Birthday party- Iwaizumi

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"So, what are we doing for your birthday?" You sighed, you forgot that was coming up.

"I'm not sure."

"What?" Oikawa looked at you in shock. "You usually go all out for your birthday."

"Can this year just be a chill birthday with the team, and a sleep over?" Oikawa looked at how distressed you looked.

"Sure, is everything okay?"

"I'm not sure. My dad's going through a lot so I don't want to throw a huge party with my family problems." Iwaizumi walked over kissing your cheek.

"Happy birthday."

"Thanks, love." You looked at Oikawa to speak.

"So are we all still going to see that new ali-volleyball movie." You furred your brows at him until you saw a girl pass by.

"Yes, Kawa, we're still on. Iwa?"

"Yeah. I'm down." You smiled at the boys before the rest of the team met up with y'all in front of the gym.

"Hey, birthday girl. What big party you got planned this year?"

"Um, actually-"

"Yeah, hot chicks and booze."

"Actually, Y/n..."

"Yeah, and loud music. Dancing, or like last year with-"

"Guys!" The team stopped and looked at the girl standing in the middle of them. "No party this year."

"Is everything okay?" You sighed and shook your head.

"I'm fine." You walked off the opposite of the gym and headed home. Once you opened the door you saw your dad on the couch with his hands covering his face. "Everything okay, dad?" He quickly removed his hands and looked up at you.

"Oh, hey, bunny. I didn't hear you come in. Everything is fine, just bills and stuff with your mom."

"Still threatening with divorce and custody?"

"Yeah." You closed the door and walked towards your room.

"Hey sweetie." You stopped at the top of the stairs and turned around. "I won't let her take you from me." You were about to speak when your dads phone rang. "Sorry." You watched as he began to argue with the person on the team. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your volleyball bag and walked out your house ignoring your father calls your name. You walked a few blocks down before knocking on a door.

"Oh... I was about to text you."



"This is the right house right?"

"Yes, Oikawa told us how you wanted to do your birthday."


"HEY!" Oikawa ran over and gave you a hug. "You came."

"It is my party." Oikawa dragged you in the house making you stumble.

"You need Iwa right?"

"Um... yes. I do..."

"So when are you going to tell him?"

"Hm?" Oikawa stopped you and gave you a look. "he's just my friend."

"NO." Everyone turned their attention to you and ran up some apologizing some just saying hi. "Um, guess have you seen Iwa?"

"He's in his room."

"I'll go, be back in a second, maybe." Oikawa laughed at you as you walked away, you took in a deep breath before walking up the stairs and knocking on his door.

"Oh yeah. It's you. I wasn't expecting you till later."

"Can I come in?"

"Yes, yes, come on in." Once you were in his room he closed the door. "Everything ok?"

"Not really... can I barrow some clothes?"

"Yeah, I have tons of comfy clothes." You laughed at him as he went to his drawer and gave you clothes.

"I'll change in the bathroom."

"Hey... Y/n. Um, I had this big speech made and can I say it real quick?"


"Um, we have been friends since we were 5, and I've grown very fond over you. I love the way your nose winkles when you laugh, I love when you laugh at my nicknames for Oikawa, I love that little girl who ran around giving Band-Aids to kids who accidently hurt themselves, I love every silly thing you've helped Oikawa do." You looked at him confused as he sat you down. "I have loved you since our 1st dance and you wore sneakers with your dress. Or the girl who loves to skate and hit Oikawa in the head when he teases us. And I'm sure after this confession he'll just... tease me more and if you say you feel the same he'll definitely tease you too."

"Iwa... confession? What are you trying to say?"

"I'm in love with you, Y/n M/n L/n." You smiled and nodded your head.

"I know what you were trying to say, I'm just teasing." He sighed before pushing you making you almost fall. "I love you too, I have since the day you took my hand at recess and helped me up from the ground after my sandwich was taken from me." Iwaizumi smiled before bringing you into a kiss. You put your hand on his neck pulling him even closer if possible. You snuck your other hand under his shirt to rest on his lower stomach, your fingers tracing the bottom of his toned abs. Both of you stopped to take a breath. Nothing else in the room mattered and all you could see was his breathtaking eyes. You glanced down at his lips and you started kissing again. You deepened the kiss that made him smile. The feeling of his smiling lips against yours was indescribable and amazing. You let out little puffs and huffs as you pulled away for air. "You don't know how long, I've been waiting to do that." You couldn't help but laugh, looking up at his face noticing a smirk.

"I'll be alright, I'm going to go change real quick." You got up only to bend down to kiss him quickly before running off to the bathroom to change. After you did you both headed downstairs and joined the others. Y'all began to watch movies and play games, you talked to them about your family problems and like expected they were opening and listening. Wishing you well, and you couldn't ask for a better family. You looked around at your friends and smiled. "Hey, guys can we... do this for all my future birthday parties?"

"Of course."

"Always." Iwa kissed your head and brought you closer, "what ever you want."

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