I missed you- Kuroo

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Numb, if you were to ask me how I'm feeling at this exact moment. The answers numb. I never thought I'd be here again, standing before you once again. Kenma. Why did it have to be in these circumstances? Why? Why didn't you move? My body tensed up as the first drop came down. Rain, how ironic. But I didn't move either, my feet glued to the ground, as my tears mixed in the rain falling down my face. Shock filled my body next. The same shock I got when I got the call. Why, Kenma. He never did anything to nobody. So why? Why him? I clenched my fist, anger now filling my body. My eyes widen when I no longer felt the rain. I looked up seeing an umbrella over my head. I looked to my right, and there stood, Kuroo. He looked like a mess, wearing all black, with his own tears matching the rain.

"You came." Was the first words that left his mouth.

"You called." I answered looking back down at the casket. "I... I didn't want to believe... I wanted it to be a joke..."

"I know I wish it was... I screamed for him to move... But... his body wouldn't let him." I covered my mouth as a sob came out. Kuroo placed his body under the umbrella too, hugging me close. The whole volleyball team, watched their high school manager break for the first time.

Looking back at my life, I can see how much I've changed, and how everyone else has changed, how everything has changed. After today, I wish I could do things differently, and today is definitely one of those days, where it changed your life completely. We all met at Kuroo's house, Kenma supposedly moved in with him. Today was just another day, to others, but to this small circle of friends Kenma did have, it was hell.

"So... Y/n. Uh, how've you been?" Yaku was the first to walk over to me.

"Ah, other than today? Okay, I guess. You?"

"Same." I fixed my scarf a bit, clearing my throat. "Ouch." I looked at Yaku confused. "That's a nasty bruise on your neck, what happened?" My eyes widen before I laughed nervously.

"Oh, I fell down the stairs the other day, hurt my neck pretty bad."

"Seems painful."

"Not as painful as this, so I'll be fine." Yaku seemed to drop the topic as I looked at photos on the wall.

"Y/n?" I turned around seeing the old team.

"Hey." I put on a weak smile at the boys, who did the same.

"How are you?" Kuroo asked placing his hands in his pockets.

"Trying to do better. You guys?" The team shrugged their shoulders.

"Hell... we all kind of separated after high school... after you left."

"Which none of us blame you for... I know it must of been hard..." Lev spoke quickly after Yamamoto.

"It was... and life was hell for me too, Yama. Especially after leaving you guys. I had no one to keep me company."

"I thought you have a boyfriend?" Lev asked making me tense up at the mention of it.

"Ex." Kuroo watched me carefully, I hated when he did that.

"Sorry to hear that." I just gave a reassuring nod at the boys.

"Yeah... what do we do after this?"

"I have to get back to work."

"I got this huge thing I have to do with my house." I furred my brows as the team begins to talk about leaving.

"Wait... guys we are Nekoma." They all stop talking and looked at their old manager. "We are all back together and you guys plan on leaving so soon?"

"We use to be Nekoma, Y/n, things changed." I sighed and looked at Kuroo for help.


"Why don't we take a walk, Y/n?" I looked at Kuroo and sighed in defeat.

"Sure." I grabbed my coat and followed him outside, I wish I never had left. Then my friends would still be close. I looked up at Kuroo, we'd still be close if I stayed. In Highschool my parents always argued and one day my dad took it out on me. So I left, I left everything. "I'm sorry I left."

"Hm? Don't apologize for that. You have no need to." I use to have the most obvious feelings for Kuroo whether or not he picked up on them or not, I didn't know. But I'd always flirted with him and teased him about everything. He was my best friend, and I held onto the hope that maybe one day he'd see me as more. Even now, I wish I never left.

"No... I mean." He stopped in front of me as I stopped. "I'm sorry I left you. I'm sorry I left everyone."

"N/n. You had every right to leave."

"But I should've kept in contact."


"I should've tried. Now everyone drifted apart."

"Y/n... we didn't drift because of you. That's just life."

"But I should've stayed. I left you." Kuroo sighed and placed his hands on your shoulders.

"None of us blamed you."

"I just wished you were there through it all."

"What do you mean?" I walked off and sat down a bench nearby. "Y/n?" He sat next to me and rested his hand on my thigh. I slowly removed the scarf letting Kuroo take in the marks. "You didn't fall down the stairs did you?"

"We got into this bad argument after I got the call. He didn't want me to leave because... because you'll be here. And he... grabbed my arm as I was walking and I fell."


"I came anyway. Why wouldn't I?"

"Why did he care if I'd be here?"

"Because of this... massive crush I had on you." I laughed it off not looking up at Kuroo. "I tried to call you so many times but he'd always get so angry. And yeah..."

"You liked me?"

"I did... I do.. I just... I know I shouldn't of said anything. I know you never felt that way... towards me."

"I'm in love with you, okay?" I froze. "And I really missed you," he spills, leaving my emotions to go haywire. "and I want you to be mine. I've always wanted that."

I stared at him, eyes wide. "Then I left.."

"You—" he looked at me, helpless. "you're my best friend. I never blamed you for leaving." I stayed silent, feeling there was more. "So. uh, I guess I," he stammers. "I understand if you don't—"

I didn't give him a chance to finish his thought, pressing my lips against his before he can say another word. His hand immediately comes up to cup my cheek, thumb rubbing circles into my skin. I pulled away, lips swollen and breathing heavily.

"I love you too, Tstu'."

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