Birthday Ruined- Akaashi

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"HEY, HEY, HEY!" You laughed as a drunk Bokuto greeted you at the door.

"Hey, bo. Have you seen my boyfriend?"

"He's with G/n." You smiled and thanked him before walking to him.

"Hey, B/n." He looked at you and smiled.

"Love, you made it."

"I made it." He gave you a side hug kissing your head. "Hi, G/n."


"Akaashi!" You removed yourself from your boyfriend's hold and ran to your best friend.


"You came!" He laughed as you hugged him, he gave you a hug as quick as he could since you gave him a quick hug. "I didn't think you'd make it."

"Of course I did. I heard you were late to your own party."

"Oh hush, Bo got into the alcohol. So, good luck," you said patting his back and pushing him in the direction of your friend.

"Hey, you ditched me." You laughed at your boyfriend as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing your head. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you, my love. I missed my friends, so good to be surrounded by the people I love."

"Y/N! Bo is kissing one of your sisters!" As soon as Kuroo and Akaashi yelled, you ran out of your boyfriend's arms and jumped over the couch in the cafe, pulling out your phone.

"Oh, this is gold." You laughed leaning into Akaashi as Bokuto froze.

"Oh... uh, bye." Everyone laughed as he got up and ran away. You laughed sitting down on the couch all the way, falling into Akaashi a little bit.

"God, I missed you guys." Kenma laughed as he played his game.

"I missed being around someone who isn't completely stuck up."

"Hey, take that back!" You laughed again as Kuroo took Kenma's game making him pounce on him. Your boyfriend took the opportunity to sit next to you smiling.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey, sorry I keep taking off on you."

"Nah, you good baby, I know it's been years since you saw the teams."

"Let's play truth or dare!" G/n said sitting next to your boyfriend.

"Oh, um."

"I'll go first," she said cutting you off. "B/n, truth or dare?" Your boyfriend his mouth, "Great, dare." He closed it confused, I looked at everyone, but Kuroo and Kenma wouldn't look me in the eyes. "I dare you to tell your lovely girlfriend of 3 years the truth."

"What's going on?" You asked confused as your boyfriend became twitchy.

"Nothing is going on."

"Don't you think this little thing has come too far?" G/n asked scooting closer.

"What little thing?"

"Y/n, let's get out of here and I'll explain. I promise."

"Explain what, B/n? What is she talking about?"

"That's it, I can't do this anymore," Bokuto said walking over again, stumbling over his feet.

"Wait, no. You said you'd let me do it."

"Do what?"

"You had your chance to tell her."

"TELL ME WHAT?" You screamed getting their attention.

"It's better I show you..." Bokuto handed the phone to Kuroo and he handed it to you.

"Y/n, baby..."

"Shut up." You looked at the phone and felt your eyes sting.

"What about your little girlfriend?"

"What about her G/n?" He kissed her roughly picking her up and placing her on a table.

"How do you think she'd feel about this? About us?"

"She's not here is she?"

"BUT I am!" The video ended with Bokuto walking into the room. You looked back at your boyfriend with disbelief and tears in your eyes.

"I'm sorry, Y/n..." You looked around and your friends didn't meet your eyes.

"And all of you knew...?"

"Hey." Akaashi placed his hand on your shoulder. "I didn't know I swear, but... I'm sure they didn't say anything because it wasn't their secret to tell..."

"Go on and tell her about the other times too." You and Akaashi looked at your boyfriend as the tears fell.

"Please let me explain." He tried to step closer but you took a step back.

"Don't, I don't want to hear it." You placed Bokuto's phone in Akaashi's hand before walking out of the cafe.

"Hey, Y/n, wait!" You turned around in the rain and sighed.

"Why? So you can tell me more lies."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed her."

"When that one time, or the others too?"

"Y/n... it was a mistake."

"You lied to me! For weeks, you said nothing was going on!"

"Nothing is Y/n, believe me!"

"Believe you?" You scoffed and walked closer. "That's rich coming from your mouth, look where believing you got me B/n."

"I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You broke my heart tonight, on my birthday! You broke my trust, our relationship, and for what?"

"Please don't do this. Don't end us."

"I didn't end us. You did, w-we are done."

"You're not gonna fight for us?"

"What's there to fight for? A broken relationship? I loved you B/n, and I thought you did too."

"I do... I love you."

"Really? If you really loved me you wouldn't have hurt me the way you did tonight." You shook your head and began to walk away again.

"Don't do this, I did everything for you-"

"Don't try to make me feel bad," You walked over to him and placed the bracelet he made you and threw it to the ground. "Goodbye, B/n." You turned around and walked home, hugging your body tightly as you walked through the rain.

"Need a ride?" You looked at Akaashi as he stopped his car beside you.

"I feel like an idiot, Akaashi. I should've known." Akaashi sighed and parked his car.

"How about you get in the car and I take you home. And out the horrible weather?" You looked around before sighing. You walked around the car and got in, "warmer?" You laughed as the heater kicked on.

"Thank you. I feel so stupid."

"I am really sorry." He rubbed your shoulder as you sighed, you looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you, again."

"No need to thank me, so home?"

"Can I just stay with you and bokuto tonight?"

"Of course. You're always welcome." You looked at him and froze, "What?" You leaned over gently... "Y/n..."

"You smell like... strawberries..." You said softly before sitting back into the seat, smiling to yourself. "Smells... nice." He laughed and put the car into drive. "Onward we go."

"Onward we go." You got comfy into the seat as he began to drive to his house.

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