enemies to lovers- Tendo

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"Hmm, let's see what's for lunch." You looked forward sighing. "Ick, Ick on a bun, Ick on a stick. Jeez."

"You should be use to it, they've been serving this stuff for years." Your best friend told you as she patted your head.

"Yeah, just thought today would be different." You sighed leaning back making your other friend laugh. "But at least today there's some variety."

"Hm, he looks tasty." You turned your head seeing her talk about your crush.

"really tasty." He looked over at you two and you quickly moved your eyes to his plate. "I was talking about your food."

"I wasn't." You shot a look to your friend.

"I sweet talked the cafeteria lady. Told her, her hair net really brought our the sparkle in her eyes."

"Aw, so sweet." You turned your eyes to Tendou as he walked over.

"Hey, I got her to make me a rack o'lamb. Man, I love lamb!" The boy stopped squinting his red eyes at you. "Y/n."

"Tendou." He looked at you with a glare, which you kindly returned.

"Anyways..." C/n spoke up causing you two to break the eye contact. "We should go, practice will start soon."

"Let me guess, practice til you puke? Maybe it'll make you look better."

"Let me guess, slack off til it pays off? I'm sure they'll love that."

"At least my game brings joy to people."

"At least we get people." You two hold another glare.

"Wow, what's going on here?"


"It's beyond nothing." You snapped back at him.

"It's certainly nothing to be late over. We have practice to get to, right after lunch. Y/n."

"Tendo." You watched him leave before turning back to C/n and your friends.

"You know for something that you said was nothing, that sure seemed like something."

"Oh, well, um, it's -it's you know, a day to day something."

"Sometimes hour by hour." F/n jumped in rubbing your back.

"It's complicated."

"He's complicated." G/n spoke up.

"Well, I'm not." He winked before walking away to his friends.

"Don't do it." G/n spoke turning to face you.

"Why not?"

"Yeah, why shouldn't she?"


"Because why?"

"Because...My best friend dated him and he dumped her. It wasn't pretty. Her face broke out and she started wearing polyester pants! Look." She took her phone out showing you a photo.

"I doubt anything is gonna happen between C/n and me."

"I'm just warning you."

"I think she can handle herself."  F/n told her.

"Fine. Don't listen to me. But when your heart is broken into a million pieces and scattered all over the floor, just remember, I don't vacuum. But then again, it's not like she's gonna talk to him."

"I just did."

"Boo, you talked to him about Tendo."

"Ugh. Whatever."

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