Confessions - Tsukishima

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You never really spoke to Tsukishima, but you did to Yamaguchi. "Yama!" The boy was your best friend.

"He's not here." You looked to the side seeing Tsukishima.

"Oh..." You really wanted to talk to him, a guy confessed to you, but you don't know how to decline. "Do you know where he's at?"

"Something about being homesick." You sighed against the gym. "Everything okay?" You looked up at the tallboy.

"I-" You sighed again leaning your head back. "I... I wanted to know what the best way to decline someone's confession." You admitted, Tsukishima looked down at you, "the same old things aren't working with this guy." You slumped down onto the ground-hugging your knees.

"Just tell him you're not interested."

"That's the thing, I told him that already. He just... wouldn't take no as an answer."

"What did you tell him then?"

"That I'd think about it. He gave me an hour." Tsukishima looked down at your face and sighed, sitting beside you.

"Well, I'll stay with you in case he takes it wrong after the rejection."

"Thanks, Tsukishima."

"Call me Tsuki or Kei. You are technically a friend since you don't aggravate me." You laughed nodding your head.

"Yeah, thanks."


After that, he's been a good friend, especially if you ever needed advice. One day, you realized you had feelings for the boy, but you remember after the first time you guys talked, he asked you for advice on girls. He was talking to someone, you hated that you fell for him, but you did. "So, how are you and G/n?"

"I don't know, she hasn't been messaging me lately." You frowned and sat beside him.

"Did something happen?"

"I don't know. That's the thing, I mean, I really like this girl, but I just feel like she doesn't like me." Your heart stung at his words.

"Maybe she just needs space, I mean, maybe nothing's wrong and she's just going through something." You tried to help the situation, Yamaguchi looked at you two.

"Yeah, girls do that." He butted in, Tsukishima sighed and leaned back, you looked down at your phone as it buzzed.

Yama <3

you shouldn't do that. Just tell him how you feellllll, I hate seeing you in pain :(

You sighed knowing your friend was right, but... you couldn't. "Who was that?"

"Hm? Oh, just my mom checking in." Tsukishima nodded his head as your phone went off again.

Hey, can we talk?

You looked at Tsukishima and got up. "Uh, my mom wanted to call me for a second, just give me a second. You walked off to the bathroom looking down at your phone.

Uh, sure, everything okay?

I just need to ask you something.

What's up?

Do you like Tsukishima?

You left her on read, closing the app. How the hell were you supposed to answer that? Not every day your friends something text you trying to comfort you. You groaned as your phone buzzed again, after a few deep breaths you opened the phone.

I thought so... look, I went on another date the other day, and I just need to know how to let go of a guy gently. Or do you think you can do it for me?

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