50 Fun (& not so Fun) Facts

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While I am working on some more chapters for this book, I decided to just make a chapter about things you may or may not know. Some may be fun facts, others may not be so fun.

Also, some facts may contain triggering topics and I'll try to put warnings before anything like that. I may forget a few but I'm going to try really hard to put a note before each fact if this is the case.


1. If you ate a polar bear alive, you would die as a human can not handle how much vitamin A that polar bears contain.

2. Jackie Coogan (the man who played Oliver in Oliver Twist & Uncle Fester in Adams Family is believed to have broken into prison with members of the mob and help murder the man who kidnapped and murdered Coogan's childhood friend.

3. 'Black Panthers' technically do not exist. It's just a term for any big, black cat. While it usually refers to leopards or jaguars, if a lion or tiger were all black, they would be considered a black panthers as well.

4. Many know this, but just in case you dont ; Gandhi was a racist who also forced young girls to sleep in bed with him.

5. In 1920, the bronx zoo had something known as the human zoo. Many others zoo's had this too. This is where white people paid money to see aboriginal people in cages. Human zoos were active until 1958.

6. Around WWII, Japans treatment and torture towards the Chinese people were so bad that the Nazis offered to step in to negotiate peace.

7. Speaking of China, Japan and Nazis ; Hitler always spoke highly of China but decided to be neutrual when it came to China's war with Japan. They only ever decided to side with Japan because of the hatred they had for America, Soviet Union and Great Britian.

8. *this one contains sensative topics such as r*p** ; During the battle of Vietnam, an entire battalion of US Marines marched into a village and killed over 600 people, indiscriminately. This meant men, woman, and children. Most of the women were r***ed before being killed. Babies were shot on sight. Families were lined up against walls and gunned down. The only reason it stopped was because a Blackhaen pilot flew down between a group of soilders and a family. He ended up getting reinforcements and reported everything that happened.

9. *this one contains racial violence* ; In the early 1920's Tulsa, Oklahoma had a very affluent black neighborhood called Black Wall Street. Basically many black people were doing financially better than white people. This caused them to get angry and they then wanted the land. One African American was wrongly accused of assualt by a white woman, and the white men used this as an excuse to attack the neighborhood, including dropping bombs out of WWI era planes. Many were killed and beaten. Over 10,000 people were left homeless due to houses and business burning down. This is the greatest single incident of racial violence in US History.

9. *racial violence again* ; At one point Argentina pretty much eliminated the black race in the country. They would get rid of the men, but keep black women. They would force black woman to sleep with white men in order to "wash out the black." The black population was so low that they ended up eliminating "black" as a race option.

10. Black holes take so long to die that not a single one has died in the universe yet.

11. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Lee lived in the same neighborhood at the same time and even attended to the same gym. Yet there is no record of the two ever meeting. Do with this information what you will I guess.

12. The color orange was named after the fruit. This is why redheads are not called orange heads as orange wasn't a color at the time.

13. 100% of space crimes have been committed by lesbians.

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