Lululemon Murder part one

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[ O V E R V I E W ]

The case I have picked for today will be a 2 parter. Next Sunday will be part 2. I mean just part one took 13 pages of my notebook. So I figured it would be better for me to break it up into two parts.

Thia case is relatively unknown, which shocks me just because if the brutality of it. Most people have no idea it happened.

I don't want to give out any extra details of this case in the overview but I do wanna talk about what Lululemon is and where this store was located.

Lululemon is a clothing store who specializes in womens athletic wear. They do make clothes for girl and men, as well as accessories, but their main thing is womens athletics. It's also a very high end brand. While looking at their website I was looking at their clothing and the prices are absolutely ridiculous. There is a parka that costs $698 US. The most expensive leggings are $158 US. Tye cheapest leggings are $59 US but that's only because they are on sale. Originally they are $88.

Lululemon was also recently in the news because their art director promoted a "Bat Fried Rice" sweatshirt or shirt. So there's that. But that has nothing to do with the case, but if you thought the name sounded familiar this was probably the reason.

Now this particular Lululemon store is located in Bethesda, Maine. It's on a little shopping row where there are a bunch of stores lined up next to another. Right next to it is an electronic store, Apple, which is very important.


On March 12, 2011, the manger of this Lululemon store, Rachel got to the store around 8 am in order to open it like she always did. When she got there the door was already unlocked, but she figured Jayna had just forgotten to lock the door and would deal with it later.

When she walked in she saw a few things knocked over or out of place, but the store wasn't really ransacked. But this was enough ti freak her out and think maybe a robbery happened so she ran outside in order to call 911.

Now the Apple store had just received the brand new iPad of that time and it was set to drop that day. So there was a huge crowd outside the Apple store with people just waiting until the store was open. One person from the crowd, a man named Ryan, saw Rachel run out of the store so he went to check on her.

She explained the situation to both him and 911. Ryan told her that he had been outside the store for about 2 hours and saw no one come or go from that store. Ryan also offered to go inside with Rachel to see if anything was stolen.

The further they walk in the more things they noticed. More stuff was kocked over. Clothes were scattered on the floor. The cash registers were open and cleaned out, as were the safes.

They both walk into the main back room and it was a mess. There was shattered glass covering the floor and items were knocked over and broken. They also found a lot of blood. They saw a trail of blood, hand swipes on the wall as well as shoe impressions in blood.

Rachel is still on the phone with 911 at this point. Ryan decides to follow the trail of blood but Rachel, obviously freaked out, stays where she is. Following the trail of blood he found a body face down in a pool of blood. He assumed it was a girl as they had long hair and since it was a Lululemon store, most employees are women anyway. He also noticed a rope tied around her neck.

Ryan went to return to Rachel when he heard a noise coming from another room. He followed the noise to the employee bathroom and found another body. She was laying on her back, covered in blood. Her shirt was pulled up over her stomach, but not her breasts. Her leggings were cut in the crotch area. Her hands were also zip tied above her head. Ryan assumed she was dead as well but then realized she was still breathing.

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