Adolf Hitler

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If you have ever taken a history class you may know the name of Adolf Hitler. He is the infamous German Dictator who killed nearly 6 million Jews during World War 2.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 and was thought to have died on April 30, 1945. But now people aren't so sure about that.

So let's talk about some theories about Hitler.


There is a theory that Adolf Hitler only had one ball.

A doctor during this time stated that Hitler lost one of his balls during a battle and knows it because he was the one who helped him.

There is no proof to this day however that provides with information on Adolf Hitlers ball count. And I cannot believe I have ever had to say that sentence.


Now we're getting into what you most likely came here for, to find out whether or not Hitler really did kill himself.

In 1946, Hitlers bunker was raided by Soviet Troops. That is where they found a skull with a bullet hole. Now because it was Hitlers bunker they assumed it had to be Hitler and in 1946 they had no way of determining whether or not the skull was his or not.

But in 2009 they decided to investigate further so they took the skull found and did some tests. Because technology had really advanced by this time they were able to determine that the skull didn't belong to either Ava or Hitler. In fact it belonged to a 40 year old woman. Ava was only in her early 30's so that's how they knew the skull didn't belong to her.

That ties into the theory that Hitler got 2 of his loyal followers to kill themselves in his bunker (or tricked them and they were executed) in order to make people believe that he had killed himself.


This isn't a theory just an interesting find.

On July 17, 1945 Stalin and a few other leaders attended a world conference. Stalin has actually told other leaders that he believed Hitler didn't kill himself and he got away.


In 2014, Obama signed an executive order that released 700 pages from a document from the FBI that were ordered to be declassified. So what were these documents? These documents showed thousands of leads about where Hitler could have gone if he didn't kill himself.

Now there were many sightings after his alleged death but majority of them were around in place, Argentina. More specifically, around Charata, Argentina. This place was known to have many nazi's. Hitler himself went there many times.

Berlin had a whole system of underground tunnels so it was believed that Hitler used them to sneak away and escape to Argentina.


Another place people believe he could have gone is the moon, the dark side of the moon in fact. They believe he has a base on the dark side of the moon.

There isn't any proof of this that I can find to support this however.


The most believed theory is that Hitler fled to Antarctica.

In 1939 Hitler actually did take a trip to Antarctica with plans to create a classified military base. The American Government (I'm not sure about other places) have denied that this base even exists.

But in 2001 a satellite picked up an image that showed possible evidence that there were massive man made structures below the ice.

Once these images surfaced The US send troops down there. The area ended up being closed off and it's no longer accessible by Google Earth. If there really was no base why close the area off like that?

So why would he go to Antarctica? If he did in fact build a base in 1939 without anyone knowing, it's possible that he would go there. No one lives in Antarctica so no one would be able to spot him. No one knew the base existed at the time so they wouldn't really think to look there. It was secluded and a place Hitler could begin working on his plan b.

Now what that plan? Many believe once he realized he was gonna lose WW2 that he began another plan to go to his base in Antarctica to start working on bigger and better weapons. They believe during the time he took over Germany that he gained powerful knowledge about technology (possibly even alien technology) and he took that knowledge and used it to create these new weapons.

Some believe there is still a secret Nazi base in Antartica that people have yet to find and it's believed to be called The Last Battalion. Some even believe they will rise up and try to take over the world.


Do you believe Hitler and Ava killed themselves or do you think they faked their deaths in order to get away?

Where do you think they would go if they did fake their deaths?

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