Keddie Cabin Murders

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In the small town of Keddie, California tragedy struck when almost an entire family was murdered. The case is still unsolved but still active and many outside of Keddie believe there was a cover up.


The Sharp family consisted of Sue Sharp (mom), Johnny (15), Tina (12), Greg (5), Rick (10), and Sheila (14).

In the cabin was Sue, Johnny, Tina, Greg, Rick and two family friends, Dana Wingate (17) and Justin Smartt (no age stated but around Rick's age).


On April 21, 1981 Sheila Sharp returned to Cabin 28 after spending the night at anotherj cabin. When walked in she saw a bloody scene.

Her mother, her brother Johnny and the family friend Dana were all bound by electrical wires. They were stabbed and beaten with hammers. Tina Sharp was no where to be found. Greg, Rick and Justin Smartt where in a different room in the cabin, completely unharmed.

On the floor was a bent steak knife. They also found a bloody butcher knife. The also found a hammer with blood of the claw in a small wooden table next to the door.


On the 3 year anniversary of the murders, the police received an anonymous phone call saying there was a skull. The oddest part, the caller identified the skull as belonging to Tina. Her skull was found about 50 miles away exactly where the caller said it was. The police recording was never analyzed.


Marty Smartt was the father to Justin Smartt, one of the kids who were unharmed. He was married to a woman named Marilyn. Marilyn has been going to Sue because Marty was an extremely abusive husband. Sue had been trying to get Marilyn to leave Marty.

Because of the nature of the murders police believed there might have been another killer, Marty's roommate and ex convict, Bo Boubede. They were staying two cabins down from Sue and her family.

Despite there being more to investigate the case seemed to just stop. This caused many outsiders to believe there was a cover up, possibly because the Sheriff was friends with Marty.

Sheriff Doug said the only interaction he had with Marty was when he counseled him and Marilyn on their marriage.

When asked, Marilyn said she had no recollection of that meeting but says that Marty and Doug were never friends. This has caused many to suspect she was a conspirator or even an unwilling participant.


In 2013 the case opened up due to current sheriff, Sheriff Greg Hagwood. He said he felt there wasn't enough investigating done and there might have been a cover up.

Mike Gamberg was the lead investigator on the case and when he was organizing the case files he found a hand written letter, seemingly by Marty, and addressed to Marilyn. It read,

I've paid the price for your live and now that I've bought it with four lives you tell me we are through. Great! What else do you want?

When asked, Marilyn said she had never seen the letter before but she did recognize the hand writing as Marty's.

Gamberg also spoke to Marty's former therapist in Reno, Nevada. The therapist stated that during a session Marty confessed to the killings. After Marty left the therapist called the Keddie Police and told them about the confession. He told Gamberg he was surprised at the bby I've that they didn't use the confession against Marty.


As of now there have been no arrests made. According to Sheriff Hagwood, although Marty and Bo are now deceased, there are also 6 other suspects who had a hand in or knew about the murders.

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