OJ Simpson (Part One)

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So before we begin, this is just one of the cases that have fascinated me so I kinda of want to talk about it. However know that it will be broken down into two parts. Part One will be the background of the people involved, what happened leading up to the events and than everything up to the trail. The second part will be the trial itself. This is because there is so much to talk about and so I want to kinda break it up.

Also, I started writing this before and was half way through when Wattpad said "hahahahah fuck you" and froze and completely deleted everything I had written. Anyway, let's jump into it.

Orenthal James Simpson, better known as OJ Simpson was born on July 9th of 1947 in San Francisco, California. He grew up pretty poor and was amazingly athletic but he didn't do well in school. People he grew up with recalled him to be well liked and a charmer. However some of his childhood friends have said that he was the type to always feel the need to be the center of attention.

On June 24th, 1967, at the young age of 19, OJ got married to his first wife Marguerite L Whitley. Together they had three children, 1 girl and 2 boys. Tragically, they lost their youngest son in their pool in an accident. The death of their child really impacted their marriage and in 1979 they got divorced.

OJ is most well known for his skill in football. OJ was the star running back for The University of South Carolina and in 1969 OJ was drafted first round to The Buffalo Bills. He became the second leading runner in NFL history & was inducted into the pro football hall of fame in 1985. After his football career he stared in rental car commercials where he would run through airports and found roles in movies such as The Naked Gun trilogy.

In 1977, while still married to his wife, OJ went to a nightclub called Daisy's. That is where he met Nicole Brown. They immediately hit it off and almost everyone called it love at first sight. Nicole was only 18 while OJ was 30.

Nicole Brown was born on May 19th of 1959 in Frankfurt, West Germany. She was described as someone well liked, kind and very down-to-earth.

When she met OJ she was living with a friend who says he had worries about the relationship when Nicole came back from her first date with OJ. According to David LaVon, Nicole came back with her pants ripped. He asked her what happened and she told him that OJ was being forceful and ripped her pants. David said from that point on he had worries about him but he said Nicole ensured him that she really liked him.

On February 2nd, 1985 OJ and Nicole got married and in October of the same year Nicole gave birth to their first daughter. 3 years later she also gave birth to their first son.

Even though this was thought of as love at first sight they did have a lot of problems. They fought constantly and many suspected some type of abuse although it was never really proven. In 1992 Nicole filed for divorce.

Now we are going to jump forward to June 12, 1994. On that day at 4 pm Nicole and OJs daughter had a dance recital. While OJ was late getting there he did show up. Now Nicole made it very obvious she wanted nothing to do with OJ to the point OJ say somewhere else. People that were there recalled it saying there was a lot of tension and hatred between the two.

Around 6 pm the dance recital was finished and they decided to go out to eat. But the Brown family made it clear that OJ was not welcomed to join them. They went to Mezzaluna and around 8, when they were finished, they went to get all the kids ice cream at an ice cream shop and went home.

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