Unsolved Mysteries from ecah state (two)

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More than 35 years ago, 19 year old Lisa Au disappeared without a trace, her car abandoned alongside a highway.

10 days after her disappearance her body was recovered, naked and severely decomposed. The coroner couldn't identify a cause of death and no real evidence could be retrieved.

There is a working theory that someone posed as a police officer in order to abduct her. But this hadn't led anywhere.


The towns of Jerome and Bliss have been plagued by bizarre mutilations since the 1970s. The bodies include cattle, deer and even human remains.

In each case the genitals were removed, the bodies were drained of blood and there were no footprints or other forensic evidence left at the scene.

The official explanation by law enforcement is that they are "cult killing," but cult has ever been identified.


During the 1940s, law enforcement received more than two dozen cases of 'gassings,' in which the victims reported paralysis, coughing, nausea, and vomiting after smelling a strange, noxious odor in their homes.

Some believe that these weren't attacks but rather a case of mass hysteria. Others believe a person, labeled as the "Mad Gasser" was to be blamed. There were also some that believed the case was due to something paranormal.


In 1941, a farmer had breakfast with his family and then headed to his barn. He then noticed smoke coming out of an upstairs window. He ran back and with the help of firefighters put the fire out.

Moments later another room in his house, not close to the original fire, caught on fire. After putting that one out, yet another room caught on fire.

This cycle of a room catching on fire moments after putting one room out happened 28 times.

The cause of the fires have never been determined, but the farmer believed his house to be haunted by a poltergeist.


In Cedar Falls there lives a boy who never gets hungry or thirsty. Landon Jones was a seemingly normal boy until 2013 when he got a bacterial infection in his left lung.

Ever since then he has never felt hunger or thirst. He only eats and drinks because he is reminded to do so.

No one knows that cause.


In 1988, Randy Leach, a teenager from Leavenworth County, disappeared from a high school party and has never been found.

What makes this case strange is that the party site had been cleaned meticulously before investigators arrived and soon after the part site burned to the ground.

Most people who cooperated in the investigation had turned up dead, causing officials to stop pursuing the case.


One day in 1876 the sky rained down chunks of meat, but no one could tell from what animal the meat came from nor why it was falling from the sky.


Marie Laveau lived in New Orleans at the start of the 19th century, and charmed, titillated and unnerved the community with her practice of voodoo.

She told fortunes and created potions and charms on requests. She held spiritual ceremonies that led people to become possessed ; she also could magically heal the sick.

However, stories of her feats have been passed along from one generation of voodoo practitioners to the next, making it impossible to know the truth behind the tales.


In 1898, the brutally beaten body of 52-year-old Sarah Ware was discovered in a wooded area of Bucksport. She’d been missing for two weeks. Her killer is believed to have been a neighbor, but when the blood-stained hammer believed to be the murder weapon disappeared, the neighbor was acquitted.

Her head and body are buried separately, with no gravestone.


In 2017, a Bethesda house fire revealed a disturbing find: The body of a man in the basement. Further investigation revealed a mysterious network of tunnels below the foundation of the house that extended all the way to the street. The house owner, Daniel Beckwitt, has since been charged with the death of Askia Khafra (the body in the basement); investigators allege that Beckwitt hired Khafra to dig the tunnels but put him in danger due to the unsafe work environment. But the purpose of the tunnels and Beckwitt’s motives remain a mystery.

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