9/11 attacks

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September 11, 2001 was a tragic day in American history. 2,996 people died after Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked 4 planes, crashing two into the twin towers, 1 into the pentagon and another one crashed in a field when the passengers fought back but they believe the original destination for this plane was the White House. The number of deaths do not account for the people who died years after as a result of 9/11 (from lung problems or something like that), soldiers who went to war following the attack or anything like that. It only accounts for people who died that day as a direct result of the planes or buildings collapsing.

9/11 was really the first event that made everyone start questioning things cause to many Americans things were not adding up.

That's when a lot of theories started coming to light about the events of this day.

As always, I mean no disrespect towards any of the victims or their families. If this is a sensitive subject for you please do not continue reading this chapter. I know a lot of people today are still effect by what happened that day and reading theories can anger or upset them. So please if you are one of those people don't continue reading and know that this isn't meant to harm or upset anyone. These are just theories people have come up with on the internet and it doesn't mean I myself believe in them.


It is common knowledge that the Bush administration knew an attack was going to happen months before and did nothing. They didn't even entertain the idea that America was going to be under attack.

Other countries including Afghanistan told the US that terrorist wanted to use planes as weapons and they were training to be pilots.

The FBI and CIA were urging the Bush Administration to take these threats seriously but they never did.


Larry Silverstein was the owner of the World Trade Center Buildings.

On July 24, 2001 Larry took out a 3.2 billion dollar lease on the WTC and set up insurance policies in case anything were to happen.

Many people think he knew beforehand about these attacks because he took out an insurance policy on his buildings just weeks before they attacked. He would make 7 billion dollars for the destruction of the towers.


Some think 9/11 was a planned attack because of what happened the day before.

On September 10th, Donald Rumsfeld who was our secretary of defense at the time admitted that the department of defense "lost" 2.3 TRILLION dollars.

Everyone was talking about that, until the next day when that news got overshadowed by 9/11.

So some believe 9/11 was a quick scheme by our government in order to make people forget about the 2.3 trillion dollars they "lost".


When the first plane hit the south tower everyone in the north tower wanted to leave their building. They could see what was happening right next to them and so they course were panicking and wanting to leave. But they were told to stay where they were and not to leave.


So what was the president doing at this time? When the first plane hit he was in a classroom of an elementary school.

When the second plane hit he was still in the classroom when he was told a plane hit the wtc and that America was under attack.

What did he do? He stayed in his seat, opened up the book he had and listened to the kids read along.

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