Disney Theories Part Five

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There are a freaking lot of theories about Disney movies sksksk.

In this chapter we'll be going back to Mulan and Frozen as well as bringing up Toy Story 3 and Monsters Inc (which will also include Toy Story)


When I first watch Toy Story 3 I didn't think anything of it. I didn't really look that into it. In fact, I never really looked deep into any of the movies I watched. But in my 11th grade AP English class my teacher told us that Toy Story 3 was an allegory for the holocaust. So at that point I decided to look into it more, and it's kinda true.

Now this entire theory was created by Jordan Hoffman of UGO. He pointed out the similarities to the plot of Toy Story 3 and the holocaust.

Andy is seventeen and about to leave for college. These toys are left behind, just as host nations left behind the Jews as the Third Reich conquered Europe. Woody holds a meeting, where the assembled toy family discusses possible outcomes for their new position in the world. Change a few words and it is the same exact scene at the train station from Roman Polanski's award winning Holocaust drama The Pianist. No, we won't just be abandoned. Surely we can be useful to them somehow. Yes, we've lost friends (Bo Peep), but surely that can't happen to us. Buzz Lightyear stands forward and suggests sanctuary IN AN ATTIC.

If you aren't sure why the attic is so important, many Jews would hide in attics to try to escape getting captured, the most famous case being that of Anne Frank and her family.

Of course, they end up trapped in a box in the trunk of a car, heading to be donated to Sunnyside Daycare. In this interpretation, Sunnyside is Dachau concentration camp. Wikipedia defines the word concentration as coming from "the idea of concentrating a group of people who are in some way undesirable in one place." Sounds like Sunnyside right? The toys at Sunnyside are completely composed of undesirables, all sent away as they are no longer needed/wanted in "society".

Once there, they meet the toy version of Sonderkommando, toys who live the stay fed and well-sheltered (like Ken in his dream house) while leading other toys to a certain death. Newcomers are bashed and abused in the "Caterpillar Room" by non-age appropriate children until they resemble Muselmann and are eventually thrown into the trash chute.

And of course, the trash chute leads they Toys to a giant incinerator at the dump where all the unwanted objects are killed, burnt and put in a landfill.

Now Woody and the rest of the toys are eventually saved by the little aliens from Pizza Planet and it's believed that the aliens either represent the camp prisoners who escaped or outside forces who rescued others.


I've talked about Mulan once before and I found another theory for you guys to check out.

This theory is that Li Shang is actually gay.

When Mulan took her fathers place she became Ping and of course Mulan develops a crush on Li. But when Li finds out Ping is actually a female he isn't just pissed. He is livid and heartbroken.

The reason Li doesn't kill Mulan is explained because Mulan saved him before, she he was going to spare her life.

But many don't believe this. Many think that he didn't kill Mulan because Li had fallen in love with Ping.

Many point to the song "A Girl Worth Fighting For" as well. Li was the only man out of the group not to sing. He didn't even have a line in the song.

At the end of the movie Li does arrive at Mulan's home and does reconcile with her, however they don't kiss, which is a rarity for Disney films.


First, you would have to believe that Toy Story and Monsters, Inc. exist in the same universe. Then, you need to look fast while watching Monsters, Inc. When Randall is practicing his scare tactics, he's casting himself on a bedroom wall that looks very much like the wallpaper in Andy's room. This lead many to speculate that Randall is Andy's monster.


A reddit user by the name of FoznorLB quickly grabbed the attention of the others

"Disney's Frozen is only titled like that so when you Google 'Disney frozen' the movie comes up instead of conspiracy theories," the user wrote.

For years, people all around the world have been convinced that the man behind the mouse, Walt Disney, was cryogenically frozen, keeping his mind in-tact so that he could be brought back to life when technology allowed it. While this Reddit user isn't saying that theory is necessarily true, they are stating that the Walt Disney company was tired of people asking about it.

Before Frozen was released in 2013, searching "Disney frozen" on Google would bring you to a plethora of theories and articles about why Walt Disney was actually frozen, and why the company was keeping it a secret. However, if you Google that same thing today, you'll find nothing but dancing snowmen, ice princesses, and the lyrics to the ever-popular song "Let it Go."

The comments on the Reddit post used those same lyrics to reference the new Frozen theory.

One said "Maybe Disney doesn't want to let people in, or let them see what the company is hiding. Perhaps Disney is sick of "holding back" all of its secrets and wants people to stop talking about it."

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