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Hey so this is sort of different. While doing research I ran across this mental illness and I wanted to share it with you guys.

I just want to say this really quick, when referring to the "true crime community" on tumblr, I am not referring to the people who are interested in cases or the psychological behind a case but ultimately understand that what the person did was wrong. I am only going to be referring to the people who romanticize and even defend a persons actions.

Now you may be wondering why I said something about mental illness and then started talking about people romanizing serial killers. And that what this chapter will be explaining.

All of this ties into a mental illness known as Hybristophilia. Hybristophilia is a paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, cheating, lying, known infidelities, or crime—such as rape, murder, or armed robbery. This is more commonly known as the Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome.

There are two types of this, passive and aggressive. Passive are people who would never actually participate in the crime but will defend and even love the criminal.

Aggressive are people will will actively and willingly participate in order to gain their lovers approval.

Today we will only be talking about the passive people.

Most of the people that suffer with this mental disorder (because yes, it is a mental disorder), believe they could have been the ones to change that person. They defend them by saying if they hadn't been abused or depressed than none of this would have happened. They will say "oh well they are people too." And that is correct, they are people too and many of them had very bad backgrounds. Ted Bundy has a horrible childhood and because of it people excuse his actions. And when it comes to The Columbine there is the argument that Dylan, who suffered from depression, might still be alive if not for Eric as it's believed Eric was the mastermind.

But their victims were people too. And look, I'm sorry that Dylan had depression. I'm sorry that Ted Bundy might be a product of incest. I'm sorry that many killers had a horrible background. But at the same time, almost none of them were insane. They knew right from wrong. They knew what they were doing which is why I can never truly feel sorry for any of them.

Most cases are women. While the true reason why is unknown it's most likely due to most women having this natural motherly instinct where they want to protect and change someone. And most girls are more empathetic thanks to that maternal instinct, which could also be a factor.

And listen, if you do have this, I don't hate you. If you're passive anyway. Aggressive is a little bit of a different story. I can see that you're a caring person because you're able to empathize with people who did truly horrible things. But you have to understand that by admiring and defending these people you are condoning their actions.

You may say you don't condone what they did, but that's exactly what you're doing. You are excusing their actions because of mental illness or hardships that they faced. You have to accept that as tough as many had it, they choose to do some horrible things and that it should never be justified.

And the reason I'm bringing this up is because many, I at one point did the same, will see these people and think they are heartless people. But in reality most might be suffering from a mental disorder and not know it. I say most cause I'm sure there are some who only do shit for attention but there are many who really suffer from this.

Many people like this will end up abusive relationships and defend their significant others just like they did with serial killers, probably because of their hardships.

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