Avril Lavigne

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Avril Lavigne was born in September of 1984 in Canada. She rose to fame in 2002 with her first album Let It Go. Some of her most well known songs such as Complicated, Sk8er Boi and I'm With You.

2 years later, in 2004, another album titled Under My Skin was released but it did not gain the same commercial success as her previous album had. Her most well known songs in that album are My Happy Ending and Nobody's Home.

Her third album, titled The Best Damn Thing, was released in 2007 and saw smash hits like Girlfriend and When You're Gone.


Some fans believe Avril died in 2003, a year after her first album and a year before her second album. They believe she was replaced with a look a like named Melissa.

They believe Avril had killed herself due to two major things. Her grandfather, who she was very close with, had passed away and Avril took it hard. She didn't know how to handle it. There are reports of her crying during recording sessions and even trying to commit suicide. Another reason people believe is that Avril didn't like the attention being famous came with. She didn't know how to deal with it and it caused her to be diagnosed with depression.

People have really pointed towards not only the music after the first album but also her physical appearance.

While Melissa looks very similar to Avril she wasn't a clone. And there were small differences that many people noticed. Things like eyes, nose and her jawline. Non believers just say it's plastic surgery.

People have also analyzed her voice and handwriting which has also changed. People say the tone of her voice has gotten higher. And as for her handwriting,

Here is a sample of Avril's handwriting

Here is a sample of Avril's handwriting

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Here is "fake Avril's" handwriting

Now let's talk about her music and image

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Now let's talk about her music and image.

While it is normal for many musicians to change up their musical style, fans find it odd that for Avril it happened relatively quickly. And what they find even weirder was that there was no reason for Avril to change up her music because she was really popular.

People are confused how you can go from Sk8er Boi to Hello Kitty in a relatively short amount of time. While is was a little over 10 years between the two songs, Hello Kitty was only on her fifth album. Normally artists don't change that drastically on their fifth album.

When she rose to fame Avril didn't make it a secret she didn't like the spotlight. But after the second album it pretty much started to change. Could she have gotten use to it? Of course, but believers of this theory don't believe she ever would have gotten use to it.

People also point to red carpets. Avril's entire image was what you might call very tomboy-ish. But then it changed. She would start wearing more dresses and more make up, something fans found very odd.

Again, while some artists do make these types of changes, they rarely do it so early in their career like Avril did.


One blogger said about Under My Skin: "Launched in 2004, it is completely different to the first CD! It's an album full of subliminal messages apparently left by the 'New Avril'.

"The CD is called 'Avril Under My Skin', this is very suggestive! From here it was no longer true Avril, but 'Avril Lavigne' under the skin of another singer!

"The 'New Avril' poses for photos always sad and morbid expression, sometimes dropped to the ground as if to say something."

And it's not just physical features that fans believe have changed - they were also suspicious when Avril promoted a slimming bar as a "yummy and healthy snack."

One user pointed out: "Avril Lavigne would never promote a Slim Secret bar. The jig is up Melissa."


What do you guys think?

Also, if I missed anything please let me know. I tried looking more but I think this was pretty much all. So if you know anymore about it feel free to share with me!

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