Chapter 17

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Miyeon was kicked and kicked all over by a single buff man. She was in the underground, training as a talented assassin. It had been consistently 2 weeks since she started training in the underground and a month since she left the Yeoja Orphanage.

Hyuna, the boss of all the assassins was watching Miyeon struggling to get up on her feet but the buff man soon slammed Miyeon on the dirty ground again. Miyeon started coughing, trying to gasp for air but then, the man quickly punch Miyeon, sending her up in the air.

Miyeon crashed to the ground. Her whole body was bruised up and blood trickling from her head. She tried to get back on her feet again.

Hyuna crossed her arms, observe the training seriously.

As soon Miyeon's feet on the ground, the man didn't let her rest but continue attacking the poor girl continuously.

When the boss saw Miyeon spit out blood, she immediately stopped the training. "Stop!" The man stopped and Miyeon was barely could stand on her feet. She was beaten brutally by the buff man.

Miyeon panted and fell her knees on the ground, hands were also on the dirty ground and most of the sweat from her head were slowly fell onto the ground. The training was harsher than she was expected.

"Miyeon, I will let you rest for the day. Please come back tomorrow morning." Hyuna softly said to the 10-year-old kid. "Mdm...Hyuna...I am sorry but I can't do it anymore." Miyeon's breath was shaky. She had a hard time breathing properly.

Hyuna furrowed her eyebrow. "What do you mean? Your training started 2 weeks ago. You can't be serious backing down all your hard works of training."

"I...know...but no matter how hard I tried, it was the same. There was no improvement for me. It is impossible...for me to continue"She said with a pant, sweat slowly trickling down from her neck into her sweatshirt.

"Miyeon...the first time I saw you, I know you have the potential to be an Assassin. You just need to be confident. I know you can."

"Mdm Hyuna...I..." Miyeon was about to say something to the older woman but suddenly, she blacked out as her body collapsed on the floor. Hyunah quickly ran to her and shook her body to wake her up. "Miyeon! Miyeon! Wake up!" No response from her but only Miyeon's heavy breath could be heard. Hyuna grew worried, she placed the palm on Miyeon's forehead to feel her temperature. "Shit. She has a high fever." Hyuna cursed under her breath after feeling Miyeon's extremely warm temperature.

"Mdm Hyuna, is she okay? Did I do wrong?" The buff man asked. Even without looking at him, Hyuna knew he was worried of the girl. "No, I don't think you did wrong. You did pretty well training her." She compliments the buff man. "You can go now and have a lunch break." She told the man. The man thanked her and quickly left the training room.

Hyuna went to Miyeon and carried the small girl in a bridal style. Judging by the look of the girl, her face was pale, she had heavy breathing and her sweat was trickling through her neck. She was having a high fever. "Mdm Hyuna...I'm sorry...for not be able to pass the training...I...I tried." Miyeon murmured as she tried to breathe in and out. She having a hard time to breathe.

Hyuna look at Miyeon and smile faintly at the smaller girl. "'s okay, sweetheart. You did really well." She said as she planted a light kiss on the girl's forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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