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(Year 838)

The Reiss Family raised her and welcomed her with open arms.

Six years later after Aera joined the Reiss Family. She grew closer with them, she was highly educated and gained a poise manner throughout the years.

Learned the Valkyrie Titan can control animals. In the animals point of view, they see the Titan as their mistress.

Even as a duchess, she was not very well-known and suitors only came to her, believing she will be such a suitable bride, for she has higher titles compared to them, desired to achieve dukedom through marriage, though she did not accept any of them.

She eventually met one the royal council's son, hailed from a noble house Schrödinger, the family that had received noble titles for honoring the the real royal family for years before the walls wer created. The son was somewhat egocentric, irriscable but to Aera, he was quite tolerable. They went on the same academy after Agatha had heard that Aera was homeschooled in Marley, in order to be well educated, she sent the girl to a prestigious school.

Mrs. Reiss gave birth two new children named Dirk and Abel. As grand duchess with Kenny following her around, Aera attended many events as a noble. And yet she still doesn't know how she got Inside the Walls.

Aera never forgotten about her mother. Her final words were still fresh in her mind. She did not know where her father really is. While Agatha became.....depressed, pressured or maybe obsessing something. She became very irascible to others and starts murmuring about something that she could not hear.

They often go to the Reiss Chapel to pray together and occasionally go to the cavern. While walking with the Reiss Family, Agatha stepped in front of Aera with golden eyes.

"Tell me, Aera. If you see your loved ones die in front of you, what will you do?" Agatha gave her an odd question as Aera recalled the time when Dina transformed into a Titan.

"I....would rescue them." She stuttered.

"Pity...." She exhaled.

"What's gotten into you this days, you've been acting strange..." Aera asked as Agatha made a dejected look.

"Aera! Listen to me!"

"Promise me to do your duty! Understood?!" She held her grip on Aera's shoulders, shaking her.

"What are you talking about?" She questioned, curiously as she look onto Agatha's wide golden eyes in horror.

"I have chosen you to inherit the Valkyrie Titan..." She sighed as Aera's voice hitched.

"What?" Aera asked as Agatha fell on the ground as she held her head. She could tell that she was controlled by someone. "Agatha!"

"Forgive me....I quite feel wussy.." She chuckles dejectedly as Aera helped her up.

"What's gotten into you?!" She asked the older woman.

"What's your goal, Aera?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions?"

"JUST TELL US!" Agatha yelled in furry as her eyes glow gold.

"Us? Who's us?"

"Just tell me, child. You're goal for humanity? Years ago, you said you don't want war, yes?" Agatha intimidatingly asked.

*What is wrong with this woman.* Aera thought.

"Yes....." She answered.

"I don't have a goal! Please! Just let me go!" Aera yelled in pain as Agatha held her shoulder harshly.

"You do not know?"

Aera shook her head.

"I see...." Agatha said under her breath as she walks away from her.

"What was that about?" Frieda asked as he lightly held her grip on her shoulders.

"She's been acting strange...."

"Really? What did she say?" The black haired asked.

"She said that...I'm going to inherit her Titan.."

"That's great!" Frieda smiled as Aera shakes her head.

"Great? I don't want to inherit a Titan... I want to live a full life.." She said as Frieda sighs.

"You're not just inheriting a Titan, Aera. You're inheriting the most mysterious among the Ten! Aunt Agatha never told us about any of her powers and abilities aside resurrection and animal control!" She shouted as she held her hand on her wrist.

"But still, Frieda. I want to live a full life." Aera said as she walks away from her. She crosses her arms as she watched Uri and Agatha having a conversation with Frieda.

"Leave it to me!" The black haired brightly smiled.


"You're inheriting the Founding?" Aera asked at Frieda as she combs her hair.

"I'm willing to.." She smiled as Aera clenches her teeth.

"How brave..."

"I've heard Father have been going with other women left to right." Frieda said as Aera wrinkled her nose, she was disgusted at Rod.

"Our servant...Alma. She's..... She was pregnant.."


"Alma was pregnant three years ago. She gave birth to a daughter, Historia and isolated her to one of our land estate." Frieda answered dejectedly.

"Where did you get this all coming from?" Aera asked.

"Trust me....right before you got here. Father have been going with other women ever since I was little...."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Aera said.

A/N: To be honest....the chapters I've recently published are very bland to me, it felt like I am running out of ideas. Which is the reason why I am publishing short chapters.

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