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Manga Spoilers Ahead!

(Year 845)

Three years later, After the Reiss Family heard about the news about Wall Maria falling, they gathered in the Cavern to hide, like a coward and ignorant they are. Frieda have grown frightened after hearing the news, then there she led her family to hide in the Cavern.

Aera, on the other hand, was nervous about the situation knowing that the Reiss Family will soon be killed by Grisha. She knew it was the Warriors, who breached the wall. Though, she pitied those Eldian kids. Brainwashed and forced to kill their race.

"I, like you, am a subject of Ymir! I am an Eldian, and I have come from beyond the Walls!" She heard a familiar voice. The family was obliged when they saw Grisha, Aera made eye contact with him, signaling that she knows what she is going to do: the plan.

"Ruler of the Walls! Before my wife and my child! Before the people of the Walls are eaten! Please, you must kill the Titans attacking the Walls at once!" Grisha pleaded, yelling at the top of his lungs as Frieda's eye begins to glow purple.

"The time has come for the Subject of Ymir to face judgment. We cannot escape our sins." Frieda stated as Grisha's face fell distraught. Aera knew it wasn't Frieda, who was standing beside her. It was Karl Fritz, controlling her.

"Someone must keep the power of the Titans out of human hands. The tragedy of the Titan War has made me realize a man is far too weak in the face of such massive power. Our only choice is to perish. In order to protect the world, we must accept our sins. The world will be turned to hell once more. If the Power of the Founder were to again fall into hands of the weak.." Frieda stated as Aera silently scoffs at her statement.

It was not only the Titans that had destroyed the world, Humanity too was included. Like Marley's greed, hatred, and vengeance towards Eldia. Both sides are fools of their own.

"The people who live in the Walls know nothing of the crimes committed by their ancestors! I live there with my wife and my son. My home is close to the destroyed Wall! All because you stole their memories! You call this atonement?! Dooming us to be eaten by Titans, ignorant in the end?!" He shouted as Aera clenches her teeth and balled her fist until she saw two persons, standing behind her father.

One was a man with long brunette hair and an old man. Her voice hitched when she realized that it was Eren and Zeke's future self. She noticed Eren looked furious after hearing Grisha's statement.

"No...." Frieda answered with a sigh.

"No matter how we may repent...We Eldians can never return the human lives we took."

Aera raises her eyebrows at Frieda. She can resurrect corpses but was forbidden to do it by her predecessors. "But what we can do is to prevent the taking of lives beyond our Walls," Frieda said as Grisha's voice hitched.

"The Valkyrie!" He shouted. "The Valkyrie can bring back the dead! How so the Holders of this Titan won't cast this power after the Walls have been made?" He eased his tone.

"We were forbidden to use this source of power....." Aera stepped in as her eyes glows gold, Grisha sighed as Frieda looks on the ground with sorrow.

"We Eldians will be the only ones who have to die and accept the World's rage so long as we remain ignorant..." Frieda stated as Grisha starts to sweat with nervousness. Aera could notice Eren looking at Frieda with raging green eyes.

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