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(Year 845)

Play the Music

After hearing the news about Wall Maria, All members of the Royal Council gathered for a meeting without their Queen, Frieda.

"Wall Maria has been breached..... Damn it..." One Pastor murmured.

"I reckon the warriors from beyond the Walls, whom Aera had spoken of, did this." One of the men sighed.

"Gentlemen! What are we gonna do? We can't just sit here and do nothing! The warriors will come and steal the Queen's power!" A minister slammed the table in vexation.

"The Queen had the Founding Titan and the Valkyrie to protect her. I doubt those whoresons will defeat the Duchess..." A Pastor said, referring to Aera and believing that the Valkyrie Titan is unstoppable against the others except the Founding.

"The Walls been breached and Titans will take over. What will the Queen do? And where is she?" One Pastor questioned, quivering his voice.

"The Queen led her family to the Cavern. Though, I do not know what they are gonna do down there." A man answered.

"Well, we have to act fast. If the warriors stole the Founding Titan's power then we are doomed. The outside world is pissed!" The minister exclaimed until Rod came in slamming the door, with a horrified expression.

"Lord Reiss?"

"My family.....are dead!! She....she betrayed us!!!!" Rod screamed at the top of his lungs as the people in front of him gasped.


"Aera... Aera lied to us! A man.....her father killed my wife and children!!" Rod yelled in a panic tone.

"What is the meaning of this?!" One of the ministers yelled.

"LISTEN TO ME! Aera manipulated us! She and her father killed my Family!!" Rod yelled with teary eyes as the council rise from their seat, widened-eyed.

"Where is she? We must find her get immediately or else she'll preach the truth of the Titans." One Pastor said.

"I...I saw her not far from here...In the forest running away... While her father disappeared!"

"Send the Military Police to capture her! We must protect the peace of the Walls!" A minister yelled, sending troops to hunt Aera down.

A group of men, who are mostly elite Police readied themselves. They reloaded their guns, saddled their horses, wore the 3D maneuver gear, and sharpened their blades. Though they do not know what Aera's powers are capable of and they believed that they were ordered to hunt her down because she was the person, who killed the Reiss Family but it wasn't her. The only reason why the government wants her is because she is absconding with the truth of the world.

"Attention Soldiers! Vivienne Reiss has to be captured! Betrayed and Murdered her own blood! She's roaming somewhere in the North! Bring me her head and you will be rewarded!" One of the council members rallied the soldiers.

The Military Police swiftly rides to find Aera in the North. It was dark and gloomy, they lit up their torches as soon as they got there. It was in the dead of night, Aera was somewhere nearby, riding a horse in silence.

Her eyes turn to gold when she suddenly sensed torch lights and heard neighing horses from afar as she sensed horse gaits coming towards her. The soldier clenches their teeth when they saw her. Before she could react, the soldier yells. "I found the Duchess!"

The soldier drew his sword and attempts to lunge at her but failed when Aera eluded his attack. She galloped at full speed as she passed by countless soldiers.

"I see her! Get her!"

Her horse gaits as the gunshots she heard earlier became louder. The soldiers rallied, drew their blades, and flew up in the air using the 3D maneuver gear.

Aera eluded the gunshots, speeding ahead to lose them. She saw a plus-sized figure nearby the path, it was a soldier trying to ambush her. He chopped her horse's head clean off, resulting  Aera to fall on the ground with a grunt. The soldier shouts as he tries to lunge at her with his big sword until Delphi came in swiftly and flew into the soldier's eye.

 The soldier shouts as he tries to lunge at her with his big sword until Delphi came in swiftly and flew into the soldier's eye

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She quickly goes deep into the woods, breaking every branch that comes in her way as Delphi followed her with a screech. Coincidence... She arrived in a small village.

Aera assumed that everyone is sleeping, she saw horses lining up in the alley. Before she could steal one of the stallions, she saw a shining sickle, it was sharp and it doesn't look like any other farming tool. She just stood there stiffly until soldiers had just come.

"You! Stop right there!"

She quickly gets the sickle then mounts one of the horses then gallops as fast as she can while again the Military Police tails her. People in the village have opened their windows to see what's going on after hearing all that noise. Aera again eluded the gunshots and pulled out her sickle when she saw a group of Military Police standing ahead with clenching teeth.

Her eyes glow like gold as her scent smelled like Lavender and Plum. She slit their throat one by one in an instant then continues to gallop away. Blood was everywhere as villagers screamed at what they saw. When they were not in the village anymore, the Military Police struggles to capture her.

"Damn it! She's fast!" One of the soldiers clenched his teeth as they chase her.

All of them approached her with a 3D maneuver to Aera and grabbed her wrist as she grunts. Her eyes glow gold staring at something amidst the trees, the soldiers narrow their eyes and look in the direction.

They saw a pack of wolves with also golden eyes, the soldiers widen their eyes as Aera cuts all of the string of their gear, resulting in them to fall on the ground. Aera dismounts the white stallion as she stares down at the fallen soldier. There was still also one remaining soldier, he draws his sword and stuttered. "Vivienne Reiss!! I- ......you're under arrest!"

Aera stood there and gave him a gloomy expression with exhausted eyes. "Dinner..." She said to the wolves, pointing at the last soldier in front of her.

The wolves carefully turn their gaze onto the man as the soldier widens his eyes. He cowardly flees as the wolves stayed still.

"Get him," Aera stated as the wolves instantly chased the man in swift. Delphi rested on her shoulders. She realized she's now fugitive, she knew that the government wants her dead, all because they are afraid that she might or will spread the word: the truth of the Titans. The reason why the Military Police wants to capture her is that she massacred the Reiss Family but it wasn't true. Her father did, not her. Though, she has to wait 5 years for Eren. If he acknowledges his powers, she will instantly convince him to activate the Rumbling once and for all.

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