19: Shh

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Jacob's POV

During the whole ride from the party to my house I couldn't stop thinking about what Y/n had shown me. I was happy she decided to let me in on her secret, it showed me she couldn't keep a secret from me and that she trusts me enough to tell me. But I'm also worried, what does this mean for her, would she be alright? Does this put her in any dangerous situations? What else can she do? I have also considered that I imagined everything that just happened, even if I didn't drink maybe the smoke got to me and I imagined everything.

When we got to my house, I realized Y/n had fallen asleep, Her whole body weight was on me. I carefully turn to get a look at her and she was definitely sleeping. I get off my bike without dropping her and picking her up, the hard thing is getting her inside without waking her or my dad. She's in such a bad state, I knew I should've stopped her from drinking so much but she was having so much fun.

"How am I supposed to open the door" I grumble and sigh. "Psss" I whisper in her ear. Nothing. "Y/n wake up" Still no response. "Please"

"Mmm" She mumbles.

"Open the door"

"Ughh" She whines and drops her hand to the door knob and opens the door.

"Thanks, go back to sleep" she groans and closes her eyes.

I chuckle lightly and walk into my home, closing the door softly with my foot. I stumble of couple of times trying to find my way through the dark house and finally make it to my room.

I set her down on my bed, and she hiccups, making me freeze hoping she doesn't wake up. After a couple of seconds I move to take off her shoes. She can't sleep in jeans but there was no way I was taking them off her.

"Y/n" I whisper and shake her a little.

"What!" She whispers shouts.

"You can't sleep in jeans"

"Mm" she groans and opens her eyes. "I have sweatpants in my bag"

I nod and get up to open her bag, I look through her duffle bag and move my hand away from her undergarments scrunching up my nose. Finally finding her sweatpants I pull them out and throw her back to the corner.

"Here" I pass them to her.

she mumbles a thank you and stands up. She unbuttons her pants and pulls down her zipper, I close my eyes and turn around.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper shout.

"What do you" Hiccup. "Mean?"

"You need to stop undressing in front of me"

"You're my brother, stop being so dramatic" She laughs. "I'm done" She throws her jeans at the back of my head.

"I'll be right back" I grab my sweatpants.

"Where are you going?"

"To change" I close the door and leave for the bathroom.

I take off my jeans, then changing into my sweatpants and taking off my shirt. I wash my face and teeth, then leave the bathroom to check on my dad. Peeking into his room I find him peacefully sleeping and leave.

"Your back!" Y/n squeals.

"Shhh" I cover her mouth. "My dad is sleeping!" I shake my head. "Promise me, you're not going to yell?" She licks my hand and I yank it back. "Ew why are you like this?" I wipe my hand on her head.

"Jake I'm hungry"

"It's late to be eating" I roll my eyes.

"I don't care" she whines and shakes me.

"Fine, you want a sandwich?"

"Yes please and juice" I nod and leave the room to the kitchen.

I turn on the lamp and move to the refrigerator, taking out all the things Y/n likes in her sandwich and make it then make mine quickly, I pour juice in two cups and walk back to my room.

"How are you still awake?" I ask.

"Duh, cause I'm drunk and hungry" she laughs.

"Ok shh here" I hand her, her sandwich and drink.

"Thank you Jakeypooh"

"Your welcome, but promise me after eating you'll sleep"

"I promise, but is your window open?"

"No, why?" I ask as I eat.

"It's cold"

"No it's not" I laugh. "Just finish eating"

"Let's go out" She suggests

"We are going out tomorrow"

"No! Like right now"

"I said shhh and no, you're drunk"

"I'm not that drunk another" She laughs. "It's manageable now"

"I don't care" I roll my eyes.

I kept eating, waiting for her response, when I don't get one, I look over and she had her back against the wall. Sandwich in one hand and drink in the other, her eyes completely closed. Of course she fell asleep, I chuckle and shake my head.

I take the drink and half eaten sandwich off her hands and set them on the table. I shift her a little and cover her with my blanket, I stare at her for a while and get up to leave but soon stopped walking when I heard her shivering. I sigh and get in bed slowly without waking her up, once I settled in she rolls to my side getting closer to me, I wrap my arm around her and slowly drift to sleep.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now