44: Talk?

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After dancing for what seem to be like hours, we all decided to go back to the couch and cool down for a little. The whole time I've felt like someone has been watching me but when I look for the person, no one is paying attention to a single thing I'm doing.

"Who wants something to drink?" Jake asks.

"I'll have another water" I smile.


"Me too" Embry adds.

"Em you're coming with me, I can't carry all of our drinks" Jake rolls his eyes and gets up, taking Embry with him.

"Embry can be so slow sometimes"

"Oh right, like you're not Mr. Ateara" I laugh.

"I'm not that slow okay" He chuckles.

"If you say so" I shoulder bump him, which he returns with a friendly smile that turns into us staring at each others every feature, until we are interrupted.

"Can I speak with you?"

"Hi Sam, I'm good how are you? Oh that's wonderful"

"Y/n I'm serious" He bends down to my level.

"what about?"

"What happened before?" He answers. if I wasn't such a curious person I would've said no, but because I'm curious and want to know what was that all about I said.

"Okay fine" I get up, turn to tell Quil that I'll be right back but I was dragged by Sam. "Damn sam don't go breaking my wrist"

"Oh yeah sorry" He loosens up his grip a little but doesn't let go.

"Where are we going" I ask as we leave the house and walk through the crowd in the back yard.

"A place where we can talk in private"

"You're not going to murder me or anything right?" I laugh.

"You're not funny" He said as we reach the end of the yard and beginning of the forest.

"Right sorry" We both stop walking, in front of me is Paul and Jared.

"Let go of her hand, you're hurting her" Paul speaks in a demanding tone, Sam let's go of my wrist.

"Thank you" I grab my red, bruised wrist and rub it, Paul makes a whimpering noise as I rub my new injury. "Are you okay?" I had a sudden urge to reach for him and see if he was alright, I take a small step forward but stop myself.

"Yeah, I'm fine" He shakes his head and stands tall. "Let me see that" He gently gets a grasp of my elbow and pulls me close to inspect my wrist.

"I'm fine" I pull my arm away. "Why did you bring me here?" I turn to face Sam.

"Paul, I'll like to speak to Y/n alone" Paul didn't say a word, he simply huffs and walks away, Jared falling close behind. Why did Sam say that sentence as if he was asking Paul if it was okay to speak to me alone?

"He's not my boyfriend you know?"

"I wanted to apologize for both Jareds and Pauls behavior tonight"

"I didn't mind Jareds behavior and as for Paul, I'm getting more used to it"

"Paul is just going through a hard time and lots of changes"

"Oh poor Paul is going through a hard time boohoo" I roll my eyes. "That doesn't give him the right to act like a total jackass and hurt someones feelings"

"I know you're right, I'm not justifying his actions-"

"You better not be, because there's no justifying the pain and embarrassment he made me go through"

"I apologize and I'd like to explain his behavior"

"I accept your apology and I'll take an explanation"

"You remember as kids Billy would tell us legends of the Quileute tribe?"

"Yeah something about the tribe being descended from wolves right?"

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now