94: The Idea

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After I saw Paul drive away I ran upstairs and checked if Bella was in her room, I hadn't heard from her since I left the house yesterday afternoon.

"Oh my god you're back!" Bella says very excited.

"Oh my god you're alive!" I said back and walked in, flopping on the couch.

"Wait wait close the door" Bella says. "Charlie is coming up"

"Okay" I lean back and hit the door. "Come on let's talk about yesterday before I pass out!" I beg my sister.

"You first! Now!" Bells says.

"Ok ok so.. we went to the beach and it was so beautiful, there was a lot of people and Paul brought my favorite things"

"Aweee" Bells pokes me.

"And he was being so considerate, didn't leave me alone and it was nice, having someone to defend you"

"Why did he have to defend you?" She asked.

"No no I just meant that he's not afraid to you know, he just has my back no words necessary"

"That's nice.. that's how I felt with Ed-" She said but didn't finish.

"It's okay I understand and if you want to talk about it I'm here"

"No I'm fine Y/n.. tell me more"

"Yeah so after we went to his house and it was so cold.. so we decided to watch a movie in room and we ended up falling asleep together"

"No way! You slept in the same bed!"

"Oh please Bella.. not the first time" I lower my voice.

"Girl!" She pushes me back. "What else?!"

"I truly think I have feelings for him and I thought I was going crazy so when we went to the beach today we talked about it and I asked him"

"What did he say?"

"Well we talked and he said that I'm someone special and that wants to be mature and ready to be with me, which I thought was really sweet" I blush.

"That is so romantic Y/n, I can see he's changed from that night at port Angeles.. you should still be careful, he's older than you but fight for what your heart wants" Bella says in a protective manner.

she still hasn't met Paul... during the holidays she didn't come down from her room and Paul never went up, so they haven't gotten a chance to meet.

"He really has, something happen in his life and it was really benefited him and don't worry I will take all necessary precautions" I smile. "But enough about Paul Lahote, tell me about your night"

Right before Bella could say anything we heard a loud knock on Bella's door, we looked at each other before Bella said to come in.

"Sorry to disturb your sister bonding time.. I have to go back to the office, I'll be back late so don't wait up for me.. i left some money downstairs for pizza or anything you guys want and i left you duffle bag in your room" He finishes.

"Okay dad thanks" I smile.

"Bye Charlie" Bella says as he closes the door.

"Okay.. get on with it!" I tell her.

"Well we got there and of course Jessica wanted to watch a romance, I went against it and picked an action movie"

"That's hilarious" I laugh.

"She complained the whole time Y/n... she just wouldn't shut up and even during the movie, god I didn't know someone could talk more than you"

"Hey!" I push her back.

"Stop it" She laughs. "I was miserable.. but after the movie we left the theater and we ran into some bikers"

"Oh Bella please don't tell me you're going where i think you are" I face palm.

"I am.. don't worry I know I was wrong but while I was riding, I saw him"

"Him who?" I asked.

"Edward I saw him"

"Saw him how?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe the adrenaline made me see or imagine him? I need more adrenaline"

"Okay.. how?" I said very concerned. "No actually wait.. this is making me annoyed.. how dare you tell me to be careful with Paul which by the way i know better than you knew that biker, what the hell Bella aren't you supposed to be my role model?"

"Okay yes I know, I messed up and I wont do something like that again but I'm desperate.. I need this okay? Can't you just support me?"

"I can and will when you start making healthier choices"

"And I will, I had an idea"

"What could you possibly have thought about?"


"What about them?"

"Let's buy crap one and build them up" she says.

"Okay and who's going to do that?" I ask her and she smiles. "You're scaring me" and smile.

"I was thinking Jacob.." She makes a funny face.

My smile fades away and realization set in... I haven't talked to Jacob since the Halloween party, it's my fault I haven't reached out but i knew this would happen. They are taking Quil's side and I can't blame them.

"Tomorrow we can wake up earlier and go to a junkyard? I have some money saved up from my job at the diner so we can get one or two and take them to Jake's house"

"Yeah okay, goodnight" I smile and walk out of her room and into mine.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now