37: You Knew

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Last night dad gave both Bella and I pepper spray to protect ourself which seems fair, he's a concerned father who just lost a friend and is worried of losing his daughters. When we got home Bella tried speaking to me and asking me things about the Cullens, like what did I know about them, why was I so close to them, if I meet his mom, or what were they like at home which I all answered to it's none of your business. Today morning I had no desire of going anywhere, but Rose called and apologized on Edwards behave, still mad at him and not speaking to him. She convinced me I had to go to school and I'm currently getting dressed.

As I'm putting on my shoes, I hear honking outside, I quickly grab my bag and run downstairs grabbing a toast

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As I'm putting on my shoes, I hear honking outside, I quickly grab my bag and run downstairs grabbing a toast.

"What is that on your shoulder?!" My dad yells.

"Nothing, bye dad love you" I slam the door and jump into the car. "Go! Go! Go!" I hit the seat repeatedly as I watch my dad run out of the house.

Rosalie hits the accelerator and takes off leaving my dad on the sidewalk and I wave at him goodbye.

"He's going to kill you later" Emmett says from the front seat.

"Yeah but that's later" I laugh and continue eating my toast.


"I know I know" We all laugh. "So I was thinking, school equals lame right?"

"Right" Says Emmett.

"School is not lame" Argues Rosalie.

"And skipping school is fun right?"



"We are ignoring boring Rosalie, we had so much fun the other day in Port Angeles"

"Yeah we can skip"

"EMMETT!" Rosalie smacks him. "We are not skipping"

"Ughhhh boring" I slid down on my seat.

✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾

The day was pretty boring, except the part where I saw Bella and Edward walk off to somewhere in the woods. There was something going on but I was too mad to care. The final bell rings and I walk out of my last period.

"Can we talk?"

"Why? So you can tell me more of what you think?" I keep walking.

"I didn't mean what I said"

"Right" I roll my eyes and put on the headphones leaving Edward behind.

I didn't care what he had to say, when people are angry they say what they really think and now I know what Edward thinks of me, there's nothing wrong with that, everyone has the own opinion. If that's his than he can stay away.

Rosalie and Emmett dropped me off my house, when I got home Bella was already there.

"You know?" She asks as I get to the top step.

"Know what?"

"About Edward and his family"

"Bella I don't got time for this" I walk into my room and she follows.

"That they are vampires" I stopped walking and turned around.

"What did you say?"

"Oh don't act all dumb now, Edward told me everything and told me that you know too" she crosses her arms.

"Okay yes and?"

"Why would they tell you first? What makes you so special?"

"None of your business, now can you go?"

"Well Edward and I are together now, so whatever was going on between you, him and his family is over"

"Bella what the fuck is wrong with you, there was nothing going on between me and Edward, and stop trying to push me out, they trust me and that's why the told me, whatever you think you know, you don't" I push her out of my room and slam the door.

I knew this would happen if she found out and I also knew she liked him, now everything makes sense. She's jealous. For the rest of the night I didn't come out of my room, I called Rosalie and told her everything, she obviously took my side and told me to relax, there was nothing Bella could do to make the Cullens push me out.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now