105: Fun

409 18 1

"... yes dad, so can I go?"

"Yes but its still a school night so home by 9"

"Okay, thank you bye" I hang up the phone.

"Ready to go?" Paul asks.

"NO, what do I bring?"

"Bathing suit and something warm for after" He says.


I start looking around and shoving things into a bag. It's been a week since Embry transformed and today we are having a fun pack get away, a bonfire, but Paul and I will have to leave that early because we are having dinner with his parents.

"Should  change now or at Emily's?"

"Emily's lets go" He grabs my bag and walk out of my room. I giggle, grab my phone and keys.

"I'm so excited for today" I squeal.

"I'm glad and it'll be fun"

I close the door of my house and we get in Paul's truck. I put my seatbelt on and my phone gets a message, Paul's starts driving and I take the opportunity to check who texted me. It's Quil again.

"Okay so how about tomorrow? We can go for a nice walk in the woods?" 1:01p.m

1:02p.m "That sounds nice, what time do you get out of school tomorrow?"

"1:30 so I could be at your house by 2?" 1:02p.m

1:03p.m "Deal"

1:03p.m "How's class?"

"Eh so so the teacher is complaining a couple of kids that skipped last period" 1:05p.m

"Who are you texting so much?" Paul asks and I put my phone away.

"Friends" I say.

"Sounds more like friend... that's a guy"

"So what?" I laugh.

"What do you mean so what?" He rolls his eyes.

"So what are your parents making for dinner?"

"I don't know and don't change the subject"

"Too late.. what do you think Emily made?"

"Your favorite"

"Roasted potatoes, rice and steak?"

"Chocolate chip muffins too" He smiles.

"Really?" I get very excited.

"No" his smile fades away.

"Not cool" I cross my arms, he chuckles at my behavior and I just rolls my eyes. We get down at Emily and we are greeted by Jared.

"Hi Y/n!"

"Hi Jare, excited about today?" I jump up and down.

"I thought I was the only one!" He also starts to jump and down.

"So childish" He says as he walks past us.

"Ignore him, he woke up grumpy" i wrap my arm around his and walk faster and past Paul.

"What a grumpy pants" Jared says as he pass him.

"I know right" We walk into the house. "She did make my favorite!"

"I did" Emily walk to the table to set some plates down. "Help me finish setting up?"

"Yeah of course" I let go of Jared and help Emily.

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".. no no come on say it" We all laugh.

"Fine definitely Jared" Everyone laugh even harder. "Sorry Jare, you're just a goof ball" Embry laughs.

"I agree" I laugh.

"You know what, that's fine because I bring you all joy" Jared puts his hands up.

"That's true" Emily smiles.

"Alright, all love but go get change we are leaving soon" Sam stands.

I take all the plates to the kitchen and Emily brings the cups.

"Go change fast, you can help me after" she smiles at me.

"Okay, I'll be fast" I grab my bag and go to the bathroom.

I lock the door and take my clothes off, I grab my long sleeve swimsuit. This will do I tell myself while looking at the mirror, it's so super cold up but the water will be. I fold my clothes and put it in my bag. I put my hair on a pony tail so I can do dishes and then I grab my back to walk back out.

"Damn girl" Emily bites her lip.

"Stop" I laugh. "Are you not coming?"

"No leave that to you savages" She shakes me.

We both laugh and I help her wash the dishes.

"Do you not feel like you're missing out?" I ask her.

"Not really, you guys are with the special abilities... and I get the most important job"

"Which is?"

"Taking care of all of you, feeding you, keeping you healthy, and strong"

"You are the sweetest, I hope you know how much we all love you" I stare at her.

"Especially me" Sam comes from behind and hugs her.

"You guys are what I want in my future" I smile.

"You'll find your special someone.. just have patience" Sam looks at me then behind me, I turn and it was Paul.

"Ready?" He says.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now