49: What are you?

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"Thank you" I said receiving the mug Paul handed to me.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Uh yeah" I take a sip.

"What was that back there? What are you?"

"Um well I guess a fairy" I giggle awkwardly.

"What does that mean?" He raised an eyebrow.

I rub my forehead, thinking if I might regret this later, The Cullens were definitely going to lecture me about this later but it was my secret to spill, not theirs. I got up and turned away from him showing my tattoo and transforming them into my beautiful wings. I lifted of the ground and turned to face him, his eyes were wide open and his mouth dropped.

"You are so beautiful" His eyes were admiring and analyzing everything about me.

I giggled, dropping back to the chair I was sitting in and began explaining everything. How everything works, where my descendants came from, that I was adopted, what happened to my real parents, and what I could do. The only thing I left out was the Cullens helping me with everything, but that was because it was none of my business getting between their affairs.

"It makes sense now" Paul spoke.

"What does?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Sam and Jared were having a hard time sniffing you out in the forest, but now I know it's just part of you being a fairy"

"Sam and Jared" I repeated. "Did you not have a hard time?" I asked confused.

"Well uh not at all actually"

"Why is that?" I ask.

"Oh it's because I im-" His face got red like a tomato and he looked away. "Actually I'm not sure"

"Okay" I said unsure if he was telling me the truth or not. "Can I ask a few questions now?"

"It's only fair" He smiles, god his smile is so beautiful and contagious.

"Have you always been able to shift?"

"No, the shape-shifting ability kicks in when enemies are nearby"

"What do you mean by enemies?"

"Please Y/n don't act dumb with me" He gave me a serious face.

"Is this why you are all of the sudden so tall?" I ask ignoring his previous remark.

"Yeah since the last time I saw you I was five foot eight and I'm now six feet"

"When did you first shift?"

"The last time I saw you, after Jacob punched me" He rolls his eyes at the mention of Jacob.

"Yeah, sorry about that" I give him an apologetic smile.

"He's just trying to protect you, I understand"

"Yeah, as a human can are you still strong?"

"I'm still strong, fast, and have good hearing but its way stronger in my wolf form, I can also communicate with the pack through telepathy, if I see something and I want them to see as well I can do it" He pauses. "It's kind of hard keeping things a secret from them but not entirely impossible"

"Oh ok" definitely will have to remember that. "What about healing?"

"I can heal within seconds, broken bones and other major injuries do take a while longer to heal"

"Ok, anything else I should know?"

"Well, we have a really bad temper, sometimes we can't control it, our wolf will get loose and we'll shift, the only this that could calm us down would be our imprints"

"What's an imprint?" I asked quickly.

"I thinks that's enough questions for today" He stood up.

"Wait just one more" I grab his wrist, sending electricity down my spine. "Sorry" I said letting go, once I realized Paul wouldn't stop staring at my hand touching him.

"Just one more" He said with a small smile, he kind of looked hurt and upset.

"Will Jake shift?"

"Possibly, Sam has his eye on him, he is the grandson of Ephraim Black an active shifter in the 1930s he was the alpha of his pack"

"Thank you"

"For what?" He gave me a confused look.

"For answering almost all my questions" He chuckles at the words 'almost all'.

"You should get some rest"

"Oh yeah right, sorry, I'll leave now" I stand and turn for the door.

"NO! Sorry I didn't mean to yell, um that's not what I meant" He spoke fast making me giggle at his sudden outburst. "There's a spare room across from mine, you are free to stay, I'd sleep much better knowing you are safe here with me"

I just stared at him not saying a word, I was so confused on his behavior. he's usually more mean, and rough but right now his whole demeanor was different, he was speaking in a soft and delicate tone. He sounded like he genuinely cared about me and my safety. why? What else changed since the last time I saw him?

"I don't have any pajamas" Was all that came out of my mouth and his eyes sparked with a huge grin on his face.

"You can wear one of my shirts and sweatpants" I nodded my head and he signaled for me to follow him, which I did.

"Huh, so this is what your room looks like" I say taking a look around it.

"Not what you were expecting" He said while looking through his closet.

"Nope, I thought it'd be more like the typical jock's room"

"Ouch, I'm hurt" he turned around placing a hand over his heart and frowning.

"you'll get over it" I rolled my eyes and continued to look around. His room was pretty plain, the walls were grey, he had wooden floor, two huge glass doors that covered the whole wall, leading to a balcony, his bed was huge sitting on the floor almost like mine, a big bathroom from where I can see, no tv and a shelf with a decent amount of books. "Didn't know you could read" I teased.

"Haha are you sure you want to be teasing a wolf?" He came over giving me clothes.

"I've been trained good" I get close to his ear and whisper. "I don't think you want to mess with me" I can see the skin in the back of his neck getting goosebumps, I back away and start walking out of his room and right before closing the door to the spare room Paul turns to face me. "Thank you" I smile and close the door.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα