50: Runmare

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I was running through the forest, sweat dripping down my face, alone, all that surrounded me was darkness. I don't know where I was running or who I was running from but all I knew is I needed to get away right now. My wings weren't working, I turn back to see what wrong and I had broken one in half. A voice rang through the forest.

"Oh darling, I might not be able to smell you, but I can still hear you breaking and heart beating" I hide behind a tree and cover my mouth trying to steady my breathing. "I know you're injured so you won't be getting anywhere, any time soon"

That voice, I knew that voice. It was the red head from the night before, I could hear her stepping on leaves and branches, she wasn't far, she was getting closer. I could fight her off without my wings, I just needed to strategize, think fast to defeat her. I close my eyes as her steps got closer and wished anyone could come save me, Edward, Rosalie, Sam, damn even Paul. Silence pulled me out of my thoughts, I peeked from the trees to take a look around but I saw nothing, no one.

"Miss me" The red head jumped in front of me pinning me to the wall and making me scream. "I'm going to enjoy this" She opened her mouth showing off her fangs that she was about to stick into my neck. I started kicking and screaming, trying to get away. and I woke up.

"What's wrong?!" Paul ran into the room, half asleep but ready to hurt anyone.

I tried to speak but only a sob came out of my mouth, I was sweating, my throat was hurting from the scared I had just let out and I was sacred. I had a gut feeling this was just the beginning and that I'd be seeing this red head again.

"Don't cry" Paul rushed over and got in bed, holding me in his arms and running his hand through my hair. "You are safe here with me, I won't let anything happen to you I promise"

"I'm sorry" I cried out. "it's just a nightmare, I really didn't mean to alarm you"

"It's okay, don't apologize, what was the nightmare about?" He leans back into the headboard bring me with him, head laying on his chest.

"The red head from tonight"

"You mean the leech" He said in disgust.

"You really hate vampires huh?"

"How could you not, they kill people, innocent people"

"Not all are the same"

"I guess we think differently"

"Maybe" I sigh.

"Are you going to be okay?" He moves out from under me, sitting me up on the bed and standing up. I also realized he was shirtless.

"Uh oh yeah don't worry" I say a little sad at the lost touch.

"I'll be right here if you need anything" Paul starts walking towards the door.

"Wait Paul" I stop him before walking out the door.

"Yeah?" He turns around.

"Do you mind staying here?"

"Uh I mean-"

"Never mind, it's okay if you don't want to I understand" I cut him off, embarrassed for even asking.

"No no it's not that, are you sure?" I nod my head at his question. "Okay" He says softly.

He closes the door and walks back to the bed, I scoot over giving him space and laying down facing him. He gets under the covers, facing me. The moonlight shining through the glass widow behind me was letting me, stare into his brown eyes, a million thought seem to be in his head, but not a word coming out of his mouth.

"Goodnight Paul" I say softly.

"Goodnight Y/n" He says back in the same tone, and we both close our eyes.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now