40: Bella meets the Cullens

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After eating breakfast, Edward and I trained a little before he went off to get Bella from our house. Alice and Jas left a while ago and the rest of us are in the kitchen making lunch in the kitchen.

"Come on tinker it's just a small fire"

"Alright shut it Emmett" I laugh and push him aside, I concentrate the tension on my hands then drag it to my index finger and a small flame showed up, I lit the stove for Carlisle and everyone cheered.

"Your getting better everyday" Carlisle speaks.

"Thank you" I smile and hug him.

"sweetie go help Emmett cut the lettuce" I nod my head and get a knife, then stand by Emmett, Emmett smirks and slightly pushes me, I push him back and we got back and forth until. "No playing in the kitchen"

"Sorry" Emmett and I say together.

"It's okay don't worry, Rosalie get a bowl for the salad"

"Knock, knock" Says Emmett.

"Who's there" I giggle.


"Vampire who?"

"Vampire state building!" Emmett and I look at each other and burst out laughing while the rest started at us, like we were dumb.

"That was so good" I say in between laughs.

"I got another one, ready?" Emmett laughs.

"Knock knock"

"Who's there?" I laugh.

"He hasn't even said the joke yet" Rosalie complains, making Emmett and I laugh even more.

"Ivan" Emmett says, he would probably be in tears if he could actually cry.

"Ivan who?" I say grasping for air.

"Iva... Ivan to bite your neck!" Emmett starts laughing.

"Oh my god I'm going to pee" I start wiping the tears under my eyes.

"It wasn't that funny" Rosalie rolls her eyes.

"Let them have fun" Carlisle laughs and keeps watching the tv cooking instructor. Emmett and I calm down and continue cutting, while Esme on my left was shredding cheese.

"You add a little bit of olive oil to a non-stick saute pan, and you want to cook with the olive oil in medium- high heat. what I do, I cut this is strips, and then we gonna cut this..."

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asks as we throw the recently cut up lettuce into the bowl.

"Her name is Bella" Emmett speaks from my right.

"She's not Italian" I giggle.

"I'm sure she'll love it, no matter what" Carlisle adds.

"Or she ate before she came and we are left with all this food" I whisper to Rosalie, who gives me a smirk.

"I heard that" Carlisle turn to me giving me the look.

"Sorry" I give him a shy smile.

"Whoo! get a whiff of that" Rosalie speaks. "Here comes the human" she says in a singing voice, Carlisle, Emmett and I all look at each other and smile at Esme's excitement.

"Bella we are making Italiano for you" Esme walks closer, Bella and I make eye contact and she returns her sight to Esme.

"Oh, mm" Bella says awkwardly. Esme turns around and smiles at us.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now