51: Where is She?!

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The brightness of the room woke me up, as I'm opening my eyes I realize I'm not alone. My hand was on top of a bare chest, I slowly tilt my head up, remembering last nights events. I was laying in with Paul. I tried getting out, but the grip he had on me was very tight, so I started shifting to see if I could get out. Big mistake.

"Where are you going?" Paul said with closed eyes in a sexy morning voice, making me want to stay in bed with him all day.

"Um" I curse at myself for not thinking of an excuse.

"Can't think of anything" He opens his eyes smirking.

"Nope" I said rolling my eyes.

"What you don't want to cuddle with me, just so you know you were the one that rolled into my arms" He chuckles.

"Whatever" I slightly hit him and giggle. "I really like your house"

"Good cause you'll be here more often"

"Hmm and why is that?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Because I said so" He says acting all manly.


"You are welcome anytime, I mean it" He looks down at me.

"Thank you Paul" I smile at him.

"You're welcome" He smiles back. "Any plans for today?"

"Today" I think. "TODAY" I sit up. "OH MY GOD JAKE!" I scream and get out of bed, grabbing all my clothes and sliding on my socks. I had disappeared last night and never went back to Jake's, I didn't call him or anything, he must be worried sick.

"What about Jacob?" Paul stood up with me.

"I was supposed to stay at his house last night, but I disappeared from the party, not telling him a single thing, he must be worried thinking something bad must of happened to me, Quil knew I left with Sam, he's probably freaking out" I said as I put on my shoes.

"Okay, let me take you, it not that far, and I'm not letting walk by yourself"

"Get ready then!" I raise my voice. "Also where is my phone?" I said searching my pockets.

"I don't need to change, and it probably fell on the couch" Paul walks out to the living room and I follow him. "Here, let's go" He hands it to me, sliding on his shoes and grabbing his keys

"It's dead" I said getting in the car.

"It's a seven minute drive, don't worry" Paul drove the car.

"He's going to kill me, oh god, oh my god, I'm wearing your clothes and he'll think the worse" I cover my face with my hands, rubbing them all over.

"Just tell him the truth"

"He knows about me, but he doesn't know about vampires or you guys, I don't want to bring him into this world unless he shifts"

"So then tell him the partial truth, after the talk with Sam, you walked into the forest, tripped hurt yourself and I found you unconscious and brought you to my house with out your knowledge"

"I'll be lying to my best friend, great"

"It's a little white lie to protect someone you care about" He places his hand on my thigh and runs his thumb back and forth, relaxing me.

"I think I've thanked you over one hundred times the past twelve hours"

"I'm here for anything you need, always"

"I'm here for you too" I smile, placing my hand on his and he suddenly breaks, down the drive way to Jake's house.

"Do you trust me"

"Yes" I said without any doubt. I don't know why it flew out of my mouth so easily, but it did.

"Then please stay in the car, I'll be right back" His eyes were pleading me to listen to what he was saying.

"Okay" Was all I said. He got down, slamming the door, his attitude had changed, he looked angry and protective.

I could see Jacob coming out of the house, he and Paul exchanged a few words before saw Jake's face muscles clench. I heard yelling, not loud enough to understand, I want to get down, but I don't know why I couldn't, I had told Paul I would stay and that's what I was doing. That's until I saw them get physical, I open the door, not caring to close it and ran up the drive way.

"WHERE IS SHE?"Jake punches Paul, Billy making his way out because of all the commotion.


"I'M HERE, JAKE I'M HERE" I get in between them and grab Jacob's hand into mine, but his eyes were fixated on Paul. "Jake" I said almost crying.

"Get inside the house" Jacob looked at me dead serious, Paul growled behind me at Jacob's demand.

"Paul, I'm fine, go" I turned facing him. His eyes met mine and he let out a small whine at my request, his eyebrows were furrowed and he was shaking. "Paul please" I begged. He kicked a vase sending it flying across the yard, got his truck speeding away.

"Let's go inside" Billy suggested.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now