52: I Know

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"Where have you been?! What were you thinking?! I was scared to DEATH SOMETHING HAD HAPPENED TO YOU!"

"Jake I'm sorry but there's no reason to yell at me"

"No reason?" He laugh. "Something did happen to you! You. Got. Hurt"

"Jacob that's enough" Billy said in a stern voice.

"No! She's hanging out with the wrong crowd"

"You don't know what you're saying!" I fought back.

"Oh and you do?" He said sarcastically.

"Yes I know, more than you!"

"Both of you stop!" Billy shouted making us both quiet down. "Jacob go to your room, I need to talk to Y/n"


"Go to your room" He gave Jacob a stare.

Jacob gave me one last glance and huffs before storming into his room and slamming the door shut.

"Now, let's get away from the prying ears" Billy turns to me and I nod my head following him close behind as he leaves the house.

We walked out the back door, I quickly helped Billy down the porch and we walked closer to the woods.

"Take a sit" Billy said as we reached the end of his back yard. I sat on the grass and looked up at him.

"What now?" I ask.

"I know what you are" Billy said looking up into the sky, my mouth gaped open. "And I know you know of our tribes secret"

"B-but how?" I stutter out.

"I've lived here my entire life, your family came here from a place far away, your mom was pregnant, kind, beautiful your father was patient, caring and protective" He smiled. "And your grandmother was best friend with my wife and I"

"How did they actually die?" My eyes filled with tears.

"Charlie, Renne, Bella, Jacob, you and I were waiting for them at a camp site and we were setting up, while the rest came with the other things, a-and who ever was after your family thought that you were all in that car" He sobs. "whatever they did to the car, it worked because the crashed, injured beyond belief"

"I'm so sorry, you lost your wife, because of my family" I cried.

"Come here child" I stood up and hugged Billy. "none of this is your fault, you were just a baby, I'm just glad you have the werewolf protecting you"

"Protecting me?" I pull away.

"There's a lot of things you need to understand, but you've learned enough for today"

"Thank you for telling me, I just don't understand anything "

"I know, just give it time, and Jacob will come around"

"Do you think Jacob will shift?"

"With your friends in town? most likely"

"What don't you know?" I giggle and crossed my arms.

"Like I said I'm down with the kids" He smirks.

"Yeah old man, lets get back inside"

After a long conversation with Jacob, reassuring him that I was fine and very sorry for disappearing on him. He lectured me for a while about how Sam ad his friends were bad people, and that I need to stay away. I didn't say anything cause I know he doesn't know what I do so just agreed. Hopefully He'll shift and I won't have to lie to him about anything. He dropped me off at my house making sure I went inside and left.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now