78: You Can't

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"....okay so why not these?" Paul asked as I try one my third pair at the boutique store.

"Don't you think I look too much like a whore?" These here stiletto heels boots.

"Umm no? I mean they are also not something you would wear" He stands up and looks around the store. "How about these? It's going to be cold, and it won't clash too much with your costume, plus no one will really be looking at your feet" He grabs a pair in my size and shows them to me.

I grab them from his hands, sit down and change my shoes, standing up and looking at myself on the mirror I was thinking to myself, not just about how the boots looked but how Paul knew me so well

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I grab them from his hands, sit down and change my shoes, standing up and looking at myself on the mirror I was thinking to myself, not just about how the boots looked but how Paul knew me so well. Quil probably would've just sat there and stared at me and would've said all of them were good. I sigh and look at the shoe.

"What do you not like them?" He narrows his brows.

"No no I do, I actually really do" I smile.

"Okay then let's pay for them" He gets up.

"Stop that" I take of the shoes and put on my sneakers.

"Stop what?"

"Paying for my things" I look at him while putting the boots in the box.

"But I want to so you stop that" He grabs the box from my hands and walk to the register.

"You can be so irritating but thank you" I smile and grab the bag back from him

"Anything for you" He says looking down at me.

"GREAT! Just what I wanted to see" Quil stands in front of us.

"What?" I look at him and cross my arms.

"We are leaving" He grabs my hand and starts pulling me.

"Don't touch her" Paul said through his teeth.

"She's my girlfriend Lahote so back off" He rolls his eyes and keeps pulling me.

I hear a snarl leave Paul's mouth and I look at him.

"It's fine I'm fine, we are leaving" I say with my saddest eyes.

He just stands there and watches us leave, my heart was aching but I was with Quil and I needed to respect my relationship.

"Why is he here?" He asked slightly less annoyed.

"I'm not sure, I don't really tell him what to do" I say in a annoyed voice.

And we kept silence until we meet with Jake and Em.

"All set?" Jake asks without a clue of what just happened.

"Yeah" Quil says as he opens my door and shoves me in the passenger seat, walks around and gets in.

Jake looks at me and I look away as my eyes starts to fill up with tears.

"See you another day N/n, bye Quil"

Jacob and gets inside Em's car and we both leave, they head to the Rez but Quil has to drop me off home.

The drive was mostly silent and my tears had dried up but when we were almost at my house Quil spoke up.

"I don't want you hanging around Paul anymore, he's dangerous and he could hurt you"

I stayed silent for a while thinking about what he said. The reason he thinks Paul is dangerous is because everyone in the Rez thinks he's in a gang with Sam, but that's not true he's a wolf and I can't say that, it's not my secret to share.

"He's not dangerous, he's changed" I respond, still looking out the window.

"Right" He sighs.

"He has, if he hadn't he probably would said something or done something today but he didn't"

"I don't care Y/n I just don't want you around him that's it" He stops in front of my house.

"You can't tell me who I can't or can hangout with, don't bother picking me up for the party and don't text or call" I get out of the car and slam his door I was walking straight into my house, and before I could reach it he drives away making a loud screeching noise.

I run up to my room, locking the door behind me and dump my stuff on my bed before taking off my jacket and opening the window, I jump out and spread my wings.

Flying through felt so nice, I haven't done it in a while, the wind touching my skin was comforting. I didn't know where I was going until I ended up in Paul's back yard. I walked in and looked around.

"Paul?" I heard shuffling and then he walked through.

"What are you doing here, it's dark outside, why didn't you call me?"

"Sorry I don't- I needed some fresh air"

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah everything is fine" I smile and walk closer.

"I'm going to Emily's wanna come?"

"You've never taken me there"

"Yeah but it's time right?"


"Hold on I'll be right back" He walks away probably to his room and walk back out with a sweatshirt that said Quileute reservation "put this on"

"Thank you" I slide it over my head and we walk outside.

"Hop on" Paul said once we get a little past the tree line, he shifts and lays on the ground.

A giggle escapes my mouth and I throw a leg over. I liked that Paul let me do this his fur was always so soft and warm. He got up and I pressed my chest against his back as he started running. I kept my eyes opened and enjoyed the ride because in no time we were already there. I get off his back and walk towards the house.

"Y/n!" Jared jumps off the porch and comes to hug me and picks me off the ground.

"Hi Jer" I hug him back.

I haven't seen much of him or Sam since I've been so busy with Bella and Quil.

"We missed you" He puts me down.

"I missed you guys too" I say as Sam walks out.

"Good to have you back" He says from the top of the stairs.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now