64: Courage

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I heard a car park in front of my house as I arrive from the woods, I use the back entrance to run into my house, slide my jacket on, and throw my backpack on to the couch. Making it just in time to open the front door that Quil was about to knock on.

"Hi" Quil said surprised.

"Hey Quil" I smile trying to gain a natural breathing pattern.

"So I was thinking we could go for a ride?" He moves aside to show me Old Quil had let him borrow his beautiful vintage car.

"No way he let you borrow it" I say in amazement.

"You are right! he didn't let me borrow it"

"Stop.. you stole it?! He's going to freak!"

"Actually since he hasn't been able to drive it, and i got my drivers permit in may he said I can have it" He said super proud and happy.

"Quil that's amazing oh my god, you better take care of this beautiful car" This car was everything to us when we were children, we thought this car was god. Nothing crazy now that they are coming out with brand new modern cars, but this? this was a classic 1966 black mustang convertible.

"I will don't worry, ready to go?"

"yeah, let me jut write a note on the refrigerator and grab my keys, come in" I move out of the way and go to the kitchen.

I rearrange the magnets on the refrigerator to say 'out with Quil won't be back late' then grabbed my keys.


"Okay" He smiles.

We walk out of my house and down the steps towards the car, Quil opens my door and I step in thanking him. he quickly walks around and gets into the car.

"Should I keep the cover off or you think you'll get cold?" He asks before starting the car.

"Don't worry I won't get cold" I smile and he returns it, my cheeks turn a light shade of pink, I look forward so he doesn't see. "Where are we going?" He starts to drive off.

"It's a good day for a picnic at the beach" He nods to the back of the car.

I turn around and find two blankets, and a basket. I imagine the basket was full of food. I turn back around and just smile as the wind takes my hair off my shoulders and into the air. I leaned on the side of the car and watched the view. Quil was the complete opposite of Paul, he's so sweet, caring, calm, collected, thoughtful, and loving. although they did have something in common, they were both overprotective.

"How was your first day?" I ask him breaking the comfortable silence.

"Honestly it was okay, nothing crazy, my classes are pretty good, and I got a few with Jacob and Embry" He quickly looks at me the back at the rode.

"That must be interesting" I laugh.

"You would think, but Jacob is pretty quiet at school, he actually pays attention and is not a complete goofball during classes"

"Really? that's crazy to think about, but I guess it makes sense, I think the only person out of you three that would actually act dumb during class would be Embry"

"And you are right, he's a class clown one hundred percent" We both laugh.

"I expected nothing less from Embry Call"

"How was your day at school?" He asks after the laugh die out.

"It was the usual, I like most of my classes but you know Bella"

"What's the deal with that?"

"Honestly I don't know, before it would be random mood swings so it would depend on the day, but most of the time we got along pretty well but ever since we got here it's been getting worse she's becoming territorial for no reason like I'm going to take her boyfriend away" I gag.

"Have you ever thought that maybe if you had a boyfriend she wouldn't be like this?" Quil suggest.

"I guess, but unfortunately no one has had the courage to ask me" I smirk at him and his cheeks flush red.

We get to the beach and I step out of the car, inhaling the smell of fresh.

"I got this" I grab the blankets.

"No no stay here I'll be right back" He walks over to me with the basket and grabs the blankets out of my hands. "Turn around and don't peek, I'll be right back" He smiles and waits for me to turn.

"Okay fine" I giggle and turn.

I was going to reach for my phone in my pocket but realized I left it at home. Most likely when I threw my backpack my phone went flying with it too. I mentally face palm myself but then think that it was probably for the best, I wouldn't get distracted while being with Quil.

"Almost done" He kisses my cheek and grabs a few more things from the car before running off.

He's so funny, I laugh to myself, there was no point to me turning around because the beach had a slope and I wouldn't be able to see what he was stetting up unless I got close to the edge.

"Done" He says out of breath.

"You okay there?" I laugh.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now