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Dinner came in with another agent. My head snapped towards the door when I hear the loud clicking noise of it opening, though Loki didn't move from where he sat on the bench in his cell.

        "Food, finally!" I exclaim, getting out of my seat. The agent raises an eyebrow, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. Most agents were used to me by now, but this guy must be new.

        I got the first impression of a person by the way they reacted to my scars. Some stared, like Loki. Those people I knew I was going to have a problem with. Most people though, were like this guy. They tried not to stare, and acted normal. The people I liked the most though, were the ones who simply looked me in the eye. The ones that didn't avoid me, and didn't openly stare.

        Fury and Coulson had been like that too, but it was different when I first met them. They had already known about me. They were professionals. Fury annoyed the crap out of me, while Coulson was more of a father figure that wasn't. When he was on duty, he was completely and utterly professional. When he was off, he would laugh out loud and do things with me, telling me funny stories and listening to my troubles.

        "For you and the prisoner." The food agent says, handing me my tray. I got a chicken wrap, a nice side salad, and a cup of mixed sliced fruit. Loki on the other hand, got a piece of plain chicken, baked beans, and an apple.

        I take Loki's tray as well, letting the agent leave pretty quickly. It was clear he was pretty jumpy. I didn't blame him. Even just sitting there, to most people, Loki looked pretty intimidating.

        I set my tray down on my desk area, quickly moving to the big board of controls. I mess with it for a minute, getting the order right. It opens the door enough for me to get the tray through, but not a big enough gap for Loki to slip through.

        I walk over to the now cracked door, leaning over to slide it through on the floor of the cell. I push it through easily, making sure nothing spilled off the tray.

        I let out a startled gasp when a large, cold hand wraps around my wrist, yanking me forward. I slam into the outside of the cell, cracking my head on the metal. My arm is pulled harder, feeling as if it was almost getting pulled out of its socket.

        He had been on the other side of the cell. I hadn't expected him to get so close so quickly. I struggle for a few seconds, trying to yank my arm away. I realize pretty quickly that I can't though, and I have to focus. 

        "Let me go." I say through gritted teeth. 

        "Listen to me you pathetic-"

        "I am not going through this again." I hiss. He snarls, and I give him one long look before sticking my leg through the gap, kicking him hard in the crotch. His eyes widen in a mix of surprise and pain, and his hold on my wrist slackens just slightly.

        It's enough for me to pull myself back away and out of the gap, to his surprise. I was stronger than I looked.

        I stumble over to the control panel, quickly slamming the button to close the door before I land on the floor, cursing. Loki watches as I curse again, clenching my jaw as I fight it. I have to push it out of my body. I didn't want any part of Loki within me.

        Loki's energy was cold. A freezing, unbelievable cold. It was in my veins, and I needed to concentrate. I needed to expel it. I needed to get rid of it. His energy, like everyone's, took over my senses for a few moments. I could taste mint on the back of my tongue. I could feel the cold. I could smell something... Flowery. I couldn't name it. Not right off the bat. I could see flashes behind my eyes, people with blue patterned skin. A pair of red eyes. Green mist. I could hear cruel, cold laughter in my ear, as if it was right over my shoulder.

        And suddenly, everything goes back to normal. With one final heave, I get rid of the energy. I take a moment, searching, making sure it was completely gone. I take a few deep breaths before looking up. I roll the wrist that Loki had grabbed, flexing my fingers. It was all back to normal.

        I slowly get to my feet, making sure I was steady. Most energies I just accepted. They were harmless. Little things that I collected here and there. The energies I didn't want though, I had to force out.

        I flex my fingers, rolling my wrist. The energy that spilled out of my fingertips was green. The same green that colored his eyes. The mist disappears mid-air.

        I look up at Loki, who is standing in his cell, watching. "Don't touch me." I say, giving him a hard look. Even if he tried it again, the result wouldn't be that dramatic. My body would recognize his energy, and I would be able to get rid of it much more quickly. "Next time you try that, I'll push that button, and you're going to fall a long way."

        His returning smile is cold and curious, his eyes drilling into me. "I look forward to it." He says, voice smooth. To his surprise, I smile right back.

        "Fine." I say quietly. "I'll look forward to watching you fall, k honey?"

        His smirk doesn't waver.

        "Sir..." I look up from where I'm talking to Romanoff and Thor. "He touched her. Grabbed her wrist, actually." I raise my eyebrow.

        "She pushed him back. Rejected the energy. She's fine sir." I nod once, dismissing him.

        "The woman watching my brother?" Thor asks, giving me a long look. The agent disappears back through the doorway. "Energies? What energy do you speak of?" 

        "It's a long explanation Thor." Romanoff says. "One Ophelia can explain the best."

        "In short," I say, cutting Romanoff off, "Agent Winters is the best person to be guarding your brother. She's more than she appears."

In The Shadows | LokiOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara