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Logan knocks on the door, and a soft voice tells us to come in. Logan glances at me before opening the door and stepping inside. I follow him, glancing around the dorm room. "Who's she?" My eyes land on Rogue, who is giving me a curious look. She can't be more than eighteen. She's wearing jeans and a hoodie, though it's the gloves that catch my attention. She's also got long brunette hair, with one white streak.
        "This," Logan claps a hand on my back, and I scowl, "is Ophelia Winters. The most powerful mutant on earth." I send Rogue a small wave when she sends me a shocked look.
        "Why are you here?" She asks carefully.
        "Xavier asked me to come." I reply. "For you.
        "Me? Why?" I glance towards Logan, who shrugs. I take a step forward, holding out my hand. She just frowns, hesitantly clasping my hand. I shake my head.
        "No, I'd rather have skin on skin contact if you don't mind." Rogue yanks her hand out of mine.
        "You don't know what I can do." She says, scooting backwards on her bed. I look towards Logan.
        "Logan, if you wouldn't mind?" He rolls his eyes, letting out a huff. "If you're that bored, go check on Steve for me. Or get one of the younger kids to do it." He looks to Rogue, who hesitantly nods. He walks out, sending us a look before shutting the door behind him. I let out a long breath, moving towards the other end of the bed. I sit down, and Rogue squirms uncomfortably. "He needs to learn to make better introductions." I mutter, and Rogue lets out a humorless laugh.
        "Yeah, he's not good with people." She agrees, and I snort. "So...." She hesitates. "Xavier asked you to come?" I nod. "Just because of me?"
        "I don't think it was just you, but yes. You're the main reason I'm here." She looks down, her hair falling to shield her face. "You don't like your powers."
        "I kill people when I touch them!" She exclaims. "I suck the life out of them!"
        "Do you know what I can do?" I ask, and she shakes her head. "When I have skin on skin contact with someone, I copy their talent into myself." She frowns, confused. "For mutants, I usually gain their powers. Logan's healing, Scott's laser eyes, Xavier's telepathy." I list. "Its usually not as powerful as the mutant the power belongs too, but I get a good chunk of their power." She nods, clearly listening. "For regular people, it's the small things. Maybe someone can doodle really well, or knit really quickly. I've met a guy with a photographic memory, so now this," I tap my head, "is like a steel trap."
        "That's... insane."
        "Yeah, it's terrifying. Not to mention that every person I touch, my senses re overwhelmed for a second or so with things that are important to them." Her eyebrows furrow.
        "Intense." I fill in. She nods. "But, sometimes I meet people with talents I don't want."
        "And what? You just avoid them?" I shake my head.
        "I can push talents out of my body when I first contact someone. I have to push it out every time I touch them, but I'm able to push it out." Her eyes widen slightly.
        "You can control your power?" She asks, and I nod.
        "I'm a level six mutant." She blanches. "I had to learn how to control it. I can do so much damage, I could kill everyone here with the blink of an eye." She stiffens. "But I don't because I'm a decent person who doesn't have a vendetta against the world."
        "R-Right." She nods.
        "You can control what you can do too." She looks down.
        "I can't. I tried." She whispers. "No matter what I do, I kill what I touch." I hesitate before leaning back against the headboard of her bed.
        "Did you leave, or did your parents kick you out?" I ask, and her head snaps up.
        "What?" She asks, startled and confused.
        "My family kicked me out when they found out. I was twelve." I examine my fingernails. "I was alone. I had to figure out what was wrong with me myself. I eventually came here, and they helped me learn to control my power." I look back up at her. "I can help you control your powers."
        "How?" She asks after a moment. I hold out my hand towards her.
        "To better understand, I'd like to take your power. Figure it out."
        "I've had these powers for years, and I haven't been able to control them. Why do you think you can?"
        "Because of my powers, I've had to learn how to control hundreds of talents. It's becoming a specialty of mine." I move my hand a little closer towards her. She hesitates before slowly looking down and taking off her glove and offering me her bare hand. I move to take it, and she draws away.
        "How do I know I won't hurt you?"
        "It takes the slightest touch. half a second. Your powers won't have a chance to work." She nods after a long second, and I lean forward, pressing my finger to her hand for a second before pulling away. My senses are completely overwhelmed.
        I can smell cigars and alcohol, a bar probably. I hear fearful screaming, and I taste.... chocolate chip cookies? I see a teenage boy, convulsing on a bed, and I feel power on my skin, crawling, sucking. I blink, and it's completely gone. Rogue is staring at me, concern etched into her features. I take a deep breath, running a hand through my hair.
        "Do you want to go make cookies?" I ask, and she blinks in surprise.
        "What? I thought you were going to help me control-"
        "I will. Now though, I'm craving cookies. Come on." I stand, and she hesitantly follows. "I'm thinking chocolate chip."

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