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I spin, head over feet, my scream caught in my throat. Someone grabs me in the air, and suddenly Loki and I are chest to chest, face to face as he holds me close. He twists us in the air so he’s under me, and my eyes widen at the golden ship he obviously hadn’t seen below us.
         I squeeze my eyes shut, sending out a telekinetic cushion to stop us from slamming into the ship’s deck at full speed. It may not kill Loki, but it would hurt both of us. We stop a foot above the deck, and I’m only able to hold us up for a few seconds before my concentration is shattered by pain, and we slam onto the deck. Loki grunts, and I roll out of his arms, clutching at my head in pain for a few moments. I feel Loki move next to me, but I can’t say anything.
         “I see your time in the dungeons has made you no less graceful, Loki.” A male voice says, and I let out a small, pained laugh. “Though apparently, you’ve grown protective. Are you alright my beautiful lady?”
         “You must be Fandral.” I mutter, finally opening my eyes as the majority of the pain passes. Loki is glaring up at Fandral, who is ignoring him and smiling at me.
         “You’ve heard of me? I’m honored. To even be acknowledged by-“
         “Save it, pretty boy. You can flirt when we aren’t on the run.” Thor lands on the ship, carefully laying Jane down.
         “You lied to me.” Loki says to Thor, standing. “I’m impressed.”
         “I’m not.” I mutter, motioning for Loki to help me up. He holds out a hand, and I take it, hoisting myself up. “You inform me of the plan next time, understood?” Something in my voice must get through, because Thor nods once.
         “I’m glad you’re pleased, Loki.” Thor says, glancing at Jane, then to the ships behind us. “Now do as you promised. Take us to your secret pathway.” The ship begins firing.
         “Right.” Fandral speaks up. I turn just as he picks up a rope and moves to the edge of the ship. “For Asgard.” He winks at me, and I roll my eyes as he jumps off of the ship. Loki moves to take over the steering of the ship, and I let myself move closer to him, sitting on the ledge. There wasn’t much to help me stay standing here.
         I watch as Loki turns the ship in a large, graceful arch. Right towards a small outcrop. A cliff face. I frown and look up at him, not exactly startled by the look of sheer enjoyment on his face.
         “Honey…. The passage.” I trail off.
         “I know what I’m doing.” He murmurs.
         “If it were easy, everyone would do it!” Loki replies. A smile creeps onto his face.
         “Are you mad?” Thor roars.
         “Possibly.” Loki replies.
         “Definitely.” I add, a sense of dread growing in my gut. Loki’s smile only grows as Thor moves to hold Jane, and my grip on the ship tightens. We enter the small crack in the mountain, the sides of the ship slamming into the stone sides and creating sparks.
         Suddenly, we’re spit out of the cave and into the air. The ship falls, moving towards the ground. “Ta-da!” I hear Loki sing, and I don’t try to resist the urge to roll my eyes again. We begin to glide through the air slowly.
         Thor moves to cover the unconscious Jane, and I slide completely to the floor of the ship, letting my head rest against the cold edge.
         “What I could do with the power that flows through those veins.” Loki murmurs.
         “That power is what’s killing me.” I murmur, letting my eyes shut. Who knew when we would get a chance to rest again?
         “It would consume you.” Thor adds.
         “You’re both holding up alright. For now.” Loki replies to me, ignoring Thor.
         “For now. That’s the key phrase there.” I mutter. I could practically feel the wisps of power from the aether moving through my veins. It was pushing, trying to break out of my skin.
         “She’s strong in ways you’d never know.” Thor murmurs, looking down at Jane. Loki didn’t need to be reminded about my strengths and weaknesses.
         “Say goodbye.” I hear Loki reply.
         “Not this day.” Thor’s determined voice is soft.
         “This day, the next, a hundred years is nothing. It’s a heartbeat. You’ll never be ready. The only woman who’s love you prized will be snatched from you.” Loki’s voice is harsh, unforgiving.
         “And will that satisfy you?” Thor asks. “What happens when Ophelia dies?” It’s only then that I realize they think I fell asleep. “What happens when she is ripped from you?”
         “You think I care-“
         “I think you are here because of her.” Thor cuts him off. “You’re here because she’s dying. When she was going to fall, you wasted no time in catching her.” There’s a few seconds of silence. “You saved her life back on earth as well, and we both know that had nothing to do with the life debt.” Another moment of silence.
         “I don’t know what you think you see-“
         “Loki.” Thor cuts him off. Silence.
         “Satisfaction is not in my nature.” Loki says suddenly, answering Thor’s earlier question.
         “And surrender is not in mine.” Thor replies after a long moment. Loki scoffs.
         “The son of Odin.”
         “Not just of Odin.” Thor shoots back. “You think mother loves you alone? You may have her tricks, but I have her trust.”
         “Trust.” Loki spits. “Trust. Was that the expression on her face when I was sentenced? When I died? When I was brought back in chains? Trust?”
         “What help were you on earth? Under Thanos’ control?”
         “Who put me there?” Loki roars. “Who let me fall from that bridge?”
         “You know damn well!” There’s movement. “You know damn well who started all of that!” I try to keep my breathing even. Waiting. “Mother wouldn’t want us to fight.”
         “Well, she wouldn’t exactly be shocked.” Loki replies. There’s a few heartbeats of silence.
         “I wish I could trust you.” Thor murmurs.
         “Trust my rage.” Loki replies. “Trust that the second Malekith tried to kill mother, to kill Ophelia, that he was dead.” Thor chuckles after a second. “What?”
         “You think I care.” Thor mocks Loki’s earlier words. I could picture Loki’s scowl, and Thor’s replying smirk. There’s more movement, and someone settles beside me. I fight to keep my heartbeat steady.
         I had absolutely no idea what to think about this. I didn’t know what to do, and I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to reveal that I was awake or not.
         But… I could feel the exhaustion and pain beginning to weigh on me. I hadn’t truly slept since I had gotten to Asgard, and who actually knew how long ago that had been. Loki and Thor exchange a few more murmured words, and I feel myself begin to fade. Something covers me, and I move towards whatever it was, leaning my head against something much softer than the ship.
         I was out within seconds.

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