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Ophelia's eyes open, and it feels like the whole world comes to a standstill. I hadn't been expecting it, hadn't been looking for her eyes to open, I simply looked up and they were open, and she was staring at the ceiling above her. I freeze in my seat before looking up at the healer currently looking over Ophelia. She had frozen as well, and when her eyes met mine, she simply nodded once. 
        "I'll get the queen."
        Ophelia doesn't move when the healer rushes out, the large doors banging closed behind her. I hesitate, unsure of what I should do. She wasn't moving. 
        "Ophelia?" My voice is quieter than I mean it to be, but she does react. I watch as she blinks slowly, her eyes darting around as she takes in the room. When she looks to the side, she spots me, and her head turns towards me. With a wave of my hand, the golden, shimmering dome that sealed the pod disappears, but Ophelia doesn't move. 
        Odin had said, "Her body, soul, and mind are being made new." 
        Her mind was made new. 
        No. No. This wasn't possible. This couldn't be happening. 
        "What happened?" Her voice is quiet, filled with confusion. There's no sign that she remembers anything. Remembers me. 
        This couldn't be happening. 
        Norn's above, anything but this.
        I couldn't handle this.
        "Loki, what happened? Why am I in the medical wing?" The sigh of relief that leaves my body leaves my body shaky. If I had been standing, I would've hit the floor on my knees. "What's wrong?" Concern covers her face, and s he sits up a little, resting on her elbows. "Loki? Say something." 
        "I.... you're alright? Tell me you're alright. How do you feel?" The words come out of me in a rush as I lean forward and take her face gently in my hands. Ophelia's frown grows more pronounced as her eyes scan over me. 
        "I feel fine... What's going on?" before I can answer, the doors slam open, and we both turn to see my mother and Thor rushing inside. It takes half a second for both of theme to reach us, and my mother's hand comfortingly caresses my cheek before taking Ophelia's hand's in hers, forcing me to drop my hands and move. 
        "I'm so happy you're awake. We were beginning to worry. How are you doing?" Her voice is soft, comforting. Thor doesn't say a word, letting Mother take the lead.
        "I'm fine, but why does everyone keep asking that? What happened?" Frigga blinks slowly at that, glancing at me before looking back to Ophelia. I watch as my mother's expression changes to one of concern, and her hands move  to grip Ophelia's shoulders lightly. 
        "Ophelia, dear, what's the last thing you remember?" She asks carefully. Ophelia's mouth opens a little as she thinks, the words coming slowly.
        "I.... I mean, Thor asked if I wanted to watch training, so I was doing that. I..." Ophelia trails off and lets out a shaky breath. "That's the last thing I remember. I don't... what happened?" 
        "I had to remove the memories to keep the apples safe. You won't remember." I hadn't heard Odin come in, none of us had. "You're a goddess now. It no longer matters."
        "No longer... you stole my memories? Over... over... did you say an apple? A goddess? What the hell?" Ophelia's words are coming faster now, more panicked. "What. Is. Happening?" There's a beat of silence before Odin lets out a soft sigh. 
        "Loki will explain." 


        I watch Ophelia sit there, staring at her reflection in the mirror in my room. She had seen it in one off the corridor mirrors as I walked and talked, explaining what had happened from what I understood. She hadn't said a word since the guards had delivered us to my chambers, she had simply sat in front of the mirror.
        Her face was clear. No blemishes, no imperfections, no..... no scars. 
        "I just...." Her voice is so quiet that I almost miss them. "Why would I agree to this? I can't see myself agreeing to this." There's nothing I can say, nothing that will shed light on the situation. "I don't want to be a goddess. A goddess of what, anyway?"
        "We won't know until the time is right. That's simply how it happens." I reply, keeping my voice calm. Ophelia's lips purse at that, and she nods. I watch as one of her hands come up to her face, her fingers lightly tracing along where her scars used to be.
        "Did I ever tell you how I got those scars? How my face became torn up?" She asks after a second. Her eyes meet mine in the mirror.
        "You told everyone you had no memory of.... You lied, didn't you?" I realize. "Not a full lie, or else I would have been able to tell, but a lie, nonetheless." Ophelia nods silently, her hand dropping back to her lap.
        "A half-truth. I don't have any memories of it, but I know what happened." She replies. "It's... It's gloriously normal. A car crash from when I was hitch-hiking, about a year after my parents kicked me out. A tree branch broke through the windshield, and the glass and metal of the car tore up my face." Her lips twitch into a small smile. "That was the first time I saved someone's life using my powers. That's why I wasn't ashamed of my scars. Now... Now they're all gone. All of them. My powers, my scars, my... everything." I pull myself off the bed, quickly making my way over to her. I turn the chair, pulling her gaze from the mirror.
        "You are still you, with or without powers, with or without your scars. I don't know why you chose to take that bite, and I don't know what will happen when we get back to Midgard. All I know is that you're here, I'm here, and we will get through this." I reach down and lightly grip her hands. "Speaking of Midgard, we should go back soon. Thor has thoroughly freaked out your friends."
        "They tend to worry too much anyway." Ophelia murmurs, leaning forward to rest her forehead against mine. "We'll figure this out, yeah?" I hum in agreement. "I love you."
        "I love you too."

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