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Odin is eager to get Loki and I off Asgard. It's as if he did one good thing for his youngest son, and he was done. He wanted us out of sight. That, or he was simply tired of the questions that came from the apple. 
        Either way, within a few days of me waking up, we were marching down the Bifrost so Heimdall would take us home. Thor was with us, as was Frigga and Sif, but Odin needed the warriors three to remain with him for reasons I wasn't privy too. Frigga wanted to see her sons until she no longer could, and Sif was simply escorting us back to Midgard. 
        I wasn't sure I was ready to face everyone. I wasn't ready for the questions I wouldn't be able to answer, for the odd looks and concerned mother henning. 
        Loki squeezes my hand as if he could read my thoughts. I squeeze back, knowing he could likely read it in my expression, and send him a small smile to say it was okay. 
        "It will be good to see our friends. They have been worrying about you and asking relentless questions." Thor informs me. "They will be very excited to see how you have been made anew." 
        "Ah, thanks Thor." Thor shoots me a grin over his shoulder as we move into the large golden dome. Heimdall is, of course, waiting inside. Thor and Sif immediately moves to talk to him as Frigga slows, waiting for Loki and I to join her. 
        "My son," She turns, and I see a sad smile on her face, "I wish you didn't have to go so soon. Promise me you'll visit soon?" 
        "Of course I will. If Father allows it." The comment isn't out of spite, simply fact. Loki loved his mother, and I knew he wanted desperately to be around her more. Frigga cups his face in her hands with a small smile. 
        "He will. And if not, I will simply come to you." There's a mischievous glint in her eye, one I had seen in Loki's, one that both scared and thrilled whoever it was directed at. I watch as she tilts Loki's head just enough to press a soft kiss to his forehead. "I love you, my son."
        "I love you, Mother." That pulls a true smile from Frigga. She lets him go, and I'm surprised when she turns to me instead of Thor. She takes my hands gently, tugging me a step closer. 
        "You and Loki have both told me about your parents. I know they have failed to be there for you, but after everything, I need you to know that I will be there for you if you ever need anything. If you ever need a mother." I hadn't been expecting those words. No one had ever... nothing like this. Friends, yes. Someone to love, even. But never an offer of a parent. Never something like that. Like this. 
        Frigga doesn't seem surprised when I jolt forward and envelope her in a hug. She simply hugs me back tightly, letting me cling to her for as long as I need. 
        "Thank you." I breathe. "You have no idea how much that means." I loosen my grip and take a step back, not willing to let her go completely. "Thank you." 
        "You don't have to thank me for caring, dear." Frigga's eyes dart towards where Loki had walked over to meet Thor. "Just... keep an eye on him, please. You're his guiding light, and you must know that he will be there for you when you need him. You can lean on each other. Remember that." 
         "I will. I promise." She smiles at that, nodding once.
        "Well, then, I think it's time you are off. I should head back to the palace soon as well. Be safe." I nod, and she lets go completely. I head towards where the others are, waiting to go back to Midgard. It was time, I supposed. Time to go back and face them, show them what I had become. To hope they accepted me like this. They had to accept me, especially if they had before. They would be able to do this. I would be able to do this. 
        I hear Thor call for Heimdall as Loki takes my hand in his once more, and the Bifrost sucks us in. With my newly advanced senses, I had assumed this trip would be more disorienting than before. It wasn't though, the trip was actually easier. When we land, it's on the balcony of the tower, and instead of a jolt, I land much easier with a slight bend of the knees. The sun is setting in New York, but there's still enough light to see the members of the team jump to their feet in the common room. The four of us start walking in time to meet them at the door to the balcony. 
        I'm a little startled when Nat reaches me first, Quickly pulling me forward and out of Loki's grip, looking me over. 
        "Do you know how worried we were? When Thor came back and said you were in some sort of magical coma? That you were becoming a goddess?" And then she pulls me into a hug. It was not something Natasha did often, or ever, really. She pulls back fairly quickly, clearing her throat. "And you need to call your sister. She's been worried too, though we haven't told her exactly what happened yet."
        "I will." My reply is short. They weren't asking about the lack of scars. They weren't commenting. They didn't care. 
        "Do you feel better?" Steve asks, right behind Nat. "I know you weren't, um-"
        "I'm, ah, fine. As fine as I can be. I'm adjusting." It was true. I was fine, I was adjusting, it was all just so different. "I've been thrust three hundred different ways in the past month, so some normality would be nice."
        "Well you're not going to find normal here, I don't know what you were thinking," Tony teases, "but we'll try." I send him a grateful smile. "Also, you look very different, wanna explain?"
         There it is.
        "I told you she would be made new, Stark. That meant her body as well." Thor replies before I can even open my mouth. I was a little grateful for that.
        "My skin is clean as a whistle. Not that I'll let you do much of a check." Tony snorts and rolls his eyes at that. "Plus, Pepper would protest." 
        "I will have you know, I have not been a playboy for years." Tony points out. "I am offended by your implication." He puts his hands on his hips, and I simply raise an eyebrow. "Now, c'mon. We've got food."

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