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"I've got something." I turn towards Stark, as does everyone else in the room. "I've had Jarvis keep an eye on dark web chatter. Specifically any chatter originating from IP addresses near mountains. He picked up chatter about purchasing mutant abilities. Some sort of bidding war just started."
"Where at?" Jean asks before I can. Stark frowns, reading his screen again.
"South America. The Andes." He replies. Storm lets out a long breath.
"That's the longest mountain range in the world. Please tell me you can get more specific than that." She asks, looking as desperate as I felt. I watch as Stark pushes a button, and the television screen lights up with a map. We all watch as the screen zooms in on a specific part of the mountain range.
"It's in Peru, but I'm going to have to do a fly-over scan to get more specific." Tony replies, frowning. "They were trying to be clever by bouncing the signal off of a few different towers, but I was able to zero in a little bit."
"Let's go now." Tony glances towards me.
"We don't know what we're up against. The fly over won't be a straight mission, it will simply be to gather intel." He explains, looking cautious. Almost as if he wasn't sure how I would react. "We need to know what we're up against. We can't just go in guns blazing and possibly kill one of those kids." There are nods of agreement, and I can't stop my hands from moving into tight fists.
"Ophelia said that she would give us two days before she decided to act on whatever plan she has. I would rather get there before she has to risk anything, if you don't mind." Stark exchanges a look with the others.
"My brother is right." Thor speaks up. "We need to act quickly. I am certain that we can get Ophelia and the others out, as well as put a stop to this disgusting ritual of purchasing another's fate given gifts. Besides, I am certain that the people purchasing these abilities are not people we would want having these abilities." He glances around. "Am I wrong?"
"We still can't go in there knowing nothing." The Captain argues.
"So we do a fly-over and stay in the area. We make a plan, and we get Ophelia out of there. It isn't difficult." Logan counters. "We did that in the first world war. Scout a base, stay in the area, attack where we learn is vulnerable." The Captain blinks in surprise. "It's basic strategy. No need to waste time arguing."
"You fought in the first world war?" The Captain asks.
"And the second. That means I know more than you, pretty boy." Logan counters. I was liking that man more and more. "I was born in 1886. You're an infant, Captain." Steve stares at the man in front of him, a mixture of shock and fascination on his face.
"This is not relevant to the situation!" I snap, drawing everyone's attention back to the matter at hand. "We need to get her out of there. We need to get all of them out of there, and you are all squabbling like children!" There's a long moment of silence. The Captain stands.
"Loki's right. Jarvis, prep the jet. Everyone suit up, we're out of here in the next thirty minutes."


The jet was packed. Everyone decided to come, including the younger mutant. The Captain had shown his concern, but Logan had cut him off, telling him that Rogue could handle herself. She was a member of the X-Men, after all.
The ride wasn't long, due to Stark's jet having better technology than most. What ended up taking the longest chunk of time was scanning such a large area of the mountains. The jet would hover as Stark did extensive scans for several long minutes before moving a mile or so to the next portion of the mountain.
I stayed close to the back off the jet, focusing my magic. I could normally sense other magic users near me, but they had to be fairly close. I hoped that if I focused, because it was my magic, I would be able to pick her up. It wasn't likely, but it was something that I could do. It was a distraction from the waiting.
I hear someone move from the front of the jet to the back, slowly sitting down next to me. I almost snap, believing the heavy footsteps had indicated Thor, until they speak.
"Is she okay?" I open my eyes, glancing towards the Captain.
"Do you mean, is she in pain?" I ask, arching an eyebrow. No one was paying attention to us, and I was grateful that he hadn't drawn attention. The Captain nods once, and I let out a long breath. "There is still some pain. She is unable to heal at her normal rate, so her injuries are still tender." He frowns.
"How is she planning anything in that state?" He asks, and give him a long look.
"We're bonded, but I can't read her mind." I counter. "I don't know what she's planning, or when she'll begin fighting back. All I know is that she has a plan, and will fight back."
It goes silent between the two of us for a few moments, the jet moving from one section of the mountains to the next. There simply wasn't anything left to say on the subject.
"You really care about her." I simply nod, unsure as to what response he wanted to that statement. "When she broke up with me, she told me it was for you, and I didn't understand it. I thought it was your bond, but I didn't say anything because it's her choice." The Captain takes in a deep breath. "You really care for her though. I wasn't expecting it, but you do."
"And?" I ask quietly. "Is there a point you're trying to make?" He hesitates.
"I'm glad she has you." He replies after a long moment. "With everything that's going on with her family and SHIELD, I'm glad she has you." I blink in surprise.
"Thank you." I say quietly. "I just wish I could have gotten to her before they took her. I shouldn't have let her wander through that bar alone."
"I wish she wouldn't have wandered either, but she's stubborn. She would have done it whether you tried to stop her or not." He replies, shrugging. "It isn't your fault." I don't say anything. I wasn't expecting anything like that from any of the Avengers, save for my brother.
"Guys, there's something here." Stark's voice interrupts, and both the Captain and I look up. "There's a hidden compound here, and it isn't on any map. I think we've found them."

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