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The farther we went into the city, the more clearly we could see the destruction. "Are you prepared to become the hulk?" I ask Bruce.
         "I'll be okay." He replies. "What about you?" 
         "I-" I'm cut off when an alien craft flies down, shooting at some civilians. I blink, my vision going red as I used Scott's power. The entire ship and the creatures on it disintegrated, and I blink again, letting everything go back to normal. "I'll be fine." I finish. I really hoped his wasn't on the news, otherwise I wouldn't hear the end of it when I visited the school.
          "I see that." He replies quietly. I grin devilishly at him, though he hadn't turned around to see it. "Where do we even go to meet them?" Bruce asks. I could see something huge flying, am deathly I was pretty sure Tony was distracting it. I scan the sky for anything.
          "There!" I say pointing. "Straight ahead. I saw lightning. It had to be Thor." Bruce nods, steering the bike around some giant pieces of rubble. We weave through a few upturned cars, and I see the back of Steve's uniform. They all turn when they hear the engine of the motorbike. They all walk over as I slide off, and Bruce leans the bike against some cars.
           "Ophelia?" I grin.
           "Clint!" I say happily, running into his hug. If Nat was one of my best friends, Clint had become like my brother.
           "They told me you were dead." He says when I pull away. I roll my eyes.
          "What, you think he's going to kill me? Yeah right." I mutter, pointing at Bruce. "You guys started the party without us."
          "This party seems..... horrible." Bruce pipes up from behind me. Nat shrugs.
         "I've seen worse." She tosses something at me, and I quickly move, sliding the earpiece into my ear.
         "Sorry." Banner replies, and I can tell he has no clue what to say.
         "No. We could use a little worse." She replies, glancing around. My earpiece clicks on just as Steve speaks up.
         "Stark? We've got him."
         "And Ophelia."I but in. "Best part of the duo that just arrived." Bruce sends me a faux hurt look, but I just grin at him.
         "Then both of you suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." Tony replies. I hear a loud crash, and I turn to see Tony swerve around a building, the large creature almost on top of him.
         "I... I don't see how all of this is a party." Nat says, and I'm surprised to see the worry on her face.
         "You've gotta use your imagination Tasha." I reply, just as worried. 
         "Dr. Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Cap says uneasily. Bruce turns to look a him, walking towards the creature.
         "That's my secret Captain. I'm always angry." Bruce replies, before turning back to the monster. He grows, his skin turning green, his clothes ripping. I watch in awe as he slams his fist down on the monster's nose, and the entire beast starts to crumble. It flips backwards, seeming like it was almost in slow motion.
        "Hold on!" I hear Stark exclaim, turning midair to fire missiles at the now exposed soft tissue.
        "I've got your back." I reply, blinking until everything was red. The lasers from my eyes destroy everything that Stark hadn't already. I blink, everything going back to normal just in time for me to see the fiery debris falling straight towards me. I curse, throwing my hands up and creating a force field. I flinch at every hit, forcing myself to keep the energy up.
        The fire clears, and once I'm sure I'm safe I lower the  field. I turn slowly, looking at the others. I let out a nervous laugh. "That was close." I say, taking a deep breath.
        "You're insane." I hear Tony mutter. I grin.
        "Nat, did you bring my weapons?" I ask Nat. "Because those would be kinda nice at the moment." She moves, taking two cylindrical objects off her belt. She tosses them at me, and I catch them both, the blades shooting out each end of each object. I smile,loving the familiar weight in my hands. There was a short blade on the end of one, and out of one side of the hand grips, the crescent guard that protected my hands. The long blade on the other end hooked at the tail end. They looked almost as lethal as the were.
        "What are those?" Tony asks.
        "SHIELD's version of Chinese Hook swords." I reply. A sudden roar splits the air, and we all turn to see several more of the giant creatures that the Hulk had just taken out. They were pouring through the portal, filling the air with Chitari screams.
         "Guys...." I hear Nat say cautiously.
         "Call it Cap." I hear Tony say. We all turn to look at Steve.
         "Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton," he turns towards Clint, "I want you on the roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays."
        "Aw, look Clint. You're useful for more than six arrows." I tease. Clint punches my shoulder.
        "Stark," Steve continues, ignoring me, "You've got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it around, or you turn it to ash." Stark gives a single nod.
        "Wanna give me a lift?" Clint asks, and Stark walks over.
        "Right. Better clench up Legolas." Stark says before taking off with Clint in hand.
        "Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up." Thor nods once before swinging his hammer, flying up into the sky. Steve turns to Natasha and I. "Romanoff, you and I stay on the ground. Keep the fighting here. Ophelia," I wait, twirling one of the swords in my hands. "You fight your way to the tower. Figure out if your theory about Loki is reality. If it is, figure out a way to shake him out of it. If it isn't..."
          "Stop him." I finish. He nods once before turning to the Hulk.
          "And Hulk, smash." The Hulk grins before launching himself into the air, towards a large building.
          "See you on the other side guys." I say with a small smirk, giving Steve a two fingered salute. I turn and take off.
           The streets are full of the aliens, the Chitari creatures. I take them out as I go, using a variation of my swords and my powers. I catch both ends of my hood swords around a Chitari's neck, and I pull in opposite directions, completely separating the head from the body. A spray of blood coats my shirt and shoulders. 
            "Nat, remind me not to do the head severing thing. I didn't realize how much blood would spray out." I say into the coms.
            "The what?" I hear Tony ask. "I'm a little concerned."
            "Aliens are attacking New York, and only now your eyes getting concerned?" I retort with a huff. "Ooh, I've got a group of them." I mutter. The group of Chitari turn at the sound of my approach, but don't react for a few seconds, giving me time to slice into the one closest to me. They all turn. The one at the back of the group tried to fire at me, but I dodge it, quickly movinto take out the others. He fires again, and I spin, taking out two creatures. The last one fires at me again as I run at him, but I jump, launching myself over and behind him. His head is on the ground before he can fully turn around. I glance around, noting that this section of the street was clear. The tower is only a few buildings away. 
               I wipe the blood staining my hands onto my pants before moving to speak into the com again. "I'm heading into the tower."
              "Keep us posted." I hear Steve respond, sounding slightly out of breath.
             "Roger Rogers." I reply, running towards the building.
            "Really?" I hear Steve mutter.
            "See, this is why she's my favorite." Stark says.
            "Awe, it isn't just because I'm cute?" I ask, stepping inside the large building. All I get in reply is a small laugh. I glance around the empty and slightly destroyed lobby.
             Now it was time to go up a few hundred stairs. Great.

In The Shadows | LokiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora