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"Again." Steve huffs and gets back to his feet, taking a few steps back and raising his fists. I make the first move, a quick jab that Steve dodges. I felt a little bad, considering I had been sparring with Steve for nearly two hours now. I was taking out my anger, and he was pretty much taking the blunt of it.
Steve does a spinning kick that I drop to avoid, swinging out my own leg to knock him off his feet. He grabs my ankle on the way down and twists, causing me to slam into the floor. I let out an angry huff of air, and send him sliding across the floor with a thought.
"No powers!" Steve exclaims, getting to his feet.
"Sorry." I reply, frustrated. "I didn't think. I just... acted." He nods, and I don't miss his eyes darting to something behind me. I quickly glance over my shoulder to see Loki standing in the doorway.
"He's the one that's got you frustrated?" Steve asks quietly, and I nod. "If you need anything just yell." I nod again, and he moves past me to grab his towel and water bottle off of the bench. He passes Loki, shooting the god a quick glare as he exits. I move to the bench to sit and take a swig of my own water.
Loki moves over to the bench, taking a seat next to me. "So?" I ask quietly.
"The letter was from my mother." I nod. "I asked her to do some research in the royal library while I was on Midgard about the.... the bond." I raise an eyebrow, a little confused.
"I thought you knew all about this bond." I say, and Loki hesitates.
"I know all about the magic aspect of the bond." He reiterates. "When I studied it, It had already been banned. What I was able to study was what little was left in the Library. I taught myself the spell, but there was never much reason for me to use it or try and learn more before now." I nod quietly, and he continues, his eyes staying trained on the floor. "It wasn't until after I had cast the spell, after the bond had formed, that I remembered what you are, and what I am." I frown.
"What do you mean?" I ask quietly. "We're just two people." Loki purses his lips.
"When I was casting the spell, I forgot for a moment that I wasn't Asgardian." My frown grows, and I'm confused until I remember something he had told me in his cell so long ago.
"I discovered I was a monster that I was brought up to hate."
The words echo through my mind.
"I'm a frost giant, and you're a midgardian."
"So?" I ask, trying to figure out what was so worrying about this.
"This spell has never been cast on anyone but Asgardians. throughout history, it's always been two Asgardians that have received the bond. I've suddenly cast it on the two of us, and I didn't think of the consequences." He reaches inside his tunic and pulls out the letter that he had received from his mother. "She... she didn't find anything." He holds the letter out to me, and I hesitate.
"Loki, I just wanted to know what was going on. This letter is private and it's between you and your mother. You don't have to let me read it." I say quietly, pushing the letter back to him.
"You were right though." He replies. "I can't shut you of all people out. I want you to know everything." He offers me the letter again, and I take it after a long moment. I open the letter, taking in all the words on the letter.

My Son,
Heimdall has told me that you are adjusting well to life on Midgard. I was pleased to hear that you were able to stick by Ophelia's side instead of being taken away by the Midgardian Government. I know you still see this as a hindrance, but you should count your blessings. You were able to stay with the woman you clearly love. You may not have as much freedom as you used too, but you have her.
As for the bond, I did as you asked. I searched everything, including your father's personal collection and my own. I was able to discover more about the bond, but I'm afraid you were correct. You and Ophelia are the first two non-asgardians to be bonded, and I'm not sure of the consequences. What I do know, my son, is that your souls were bonded. All souls are the same, no matter the species. I believe what you did was the right thing, not only to save Ophelia, but to save yourself. Whatever happens, you now have her by your side, and I know she will stay there.
The bond between you two is a strong one. Ophelia does care for you, or else the bond wouldn't be as strong as it is. Even before you were bonded, she stood up for you, and that speaks volumes. The bond between you two is strong, and all you can do is make it stronger.
The bond may be unclear, but your future is going to be a good one. I have faith in that, and in you.
I love you my son.

I slowly let the letter fall to my lap, Frigga's words swirling through my mind. The gym is almost too silent as Loki waits for me to say something.
"I..." I hesitate, shaking my head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry your mother was unable to find anything, but she wasn't wrong." Loki doesn't move, staying quiet. "Loki, she was right when she said that I cared for you, and you know that."
"What if I ruined your life with this bond?" He counters, turning to fully look at me. "On Asgard, the bond ties your life to the other person."
"And... my life span is shorter than yours by thousands of years." I realize. "When I die of old age... if we reach that point..." Loki shakes his head.
"I wouldn't care if I got to live a shortened life, as long as it is with you. I'm worried that I might have lengthened yours to match mine. That now you'll have thousands of years to live." I frown, watching him as he continues. "I don't want to be the reason that you have to see the ones you love die around you." I blink in surprise, knowing instantly that he was right. "You're going to resent me for that." There's a long silence.
"We don't know what's going to happen." I say after a moment. "My lifespan was already going to be longer than average because of the few different healing factors I've picked up. It slows down cell death. It regenerates them to be in peak condition longer. I've always known I was more likely to outlive everyone. Granted, not by thousands of years, but I knew it would happen." I let out a long breath, running a hand through my hair. "And if it is thousands of years, at least I know for certain that as long as I live I'll have you. I'll have someone. That's more than I thought I'd get." I reach over, taking Loki's hand in mine and I squeeze it lightly. "I know the idea of this freaks you out, it does the same to me, but we're in this together. We have to trust that we are twin souls for a reason, right?"
Loki's eyes meet mine, the emerald searching my golden eyes for any sort of lie. I send him a small half smile, leaning forward and pressing a quick, soft kiss on his lips. "I'll never resent you for saving my life." I whisper against his lips, my eyes closed. It doesn't surprise me when Loki moves in for a longer kiss, and I gladly accept it. He barely pulls back, only stopping long enough to whisper his own response.
"I'll never be able to thank you enough for saving mine."

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