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Here was the thing about being the goddess of mutants; it was... different. 
        With my original mutation, I had to touch another person, skin on skin contact, to absorb their power. Even then, it was only a fraction of what the original mutant had. Those powers sat beneath the surface of my skin, pulsing, pushing to get out. I had to keep every part of myself to control the abilities I collected, and even then every waking moment was a struggle. 
        As a goddess, the powers were simply there. I could call on them and have them at full strength, multiple if I needed to do so. They came naturally, without much struggle, and when I was done, they were gone. There was no forcing them down. I could relax fully, whenever I wanted to take a break. It was.... it was freeing. 
        When Ultron emerged, a simple flick of the hand, filled with Magneto's powers ended him. No large fight, no issue. I was with Thor and Loki in Asgard when Odin died and Hela was released. Between Loki, Frigga, Thor, and myself, it was too easy to take her out. This time, when we sent her back to that dark prison, it was permanently. 
        Then came Thanos. 
        Earth held too many infinity stones, and He already had two. With the help of the guardians, we retrieved the Tesseract from Asgard, took the stones from Earth, and led him to a planet just outside the Milky Way. 
        The battle... it was a lot. Thanos brought the dark order as well as his army along with him, a normally overwhelming force that kept coming and coming. 
        But we... we had everyone. The Avengers, the Guardians, the X-Men, and the Asgardians. We had the magicians from the sanctum, as well as the Iron Legion that Tony had created. It wasn't easy, he still had infinity stones, but so did we. 
        Thanos went down screaming. 
        Outside of the Avengers, I watched my sister get married, and after a few years got two nieces that I spoiled relentlessly. Loki did too, but he wouldn't admit it in any way. We watched Tony marry Pepper and have Morgan, we watched Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man, burst onto the scene. 
        Life moved on. Life moved on, and I was okay. Actually, I was more than okay. I was happy. 
        Throughout everything I had Loki by my side. We loved each other, and instead of making me weak, it actually made me stronger. It made both of stronger. Impenetrable. 
        With my mutant abilities, I could easily change my appearance back to what it was. Restore my hair, my eyes, my scars, but... But I didn't. I wouldn't.  
        With my skin free of scars, I started this new part of my life. 
        A blank slate. 
        A new opportunity. 
        A new beginning. 
        "Are you ready to go, love?" I look up at Loki, quickly rising to meet him at the elevator. I press a quick kiss to his lips before pressing the elevator button. 
        "I'm always ready to go with you."

A/n: Hello my lovely readers.

I want to thank each and everyone of you for your outstanding support. The way you all encouraged me, i will forever be grateful. Throughout this book i have made many friends.
And if you love this work please follow me to show your support and do check out my other works:)

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