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"Ophelia, I don't think this is a good idea. You just got back from a kidnapping, you lost your powers-"
        "I know what happened Steve!" I snap, turning to give him a sharp look as I folded my sweater. He had come in while I was packing, just after Loki left to talk to Thor about the trip. "I get it."
        "Then why are you going?" Steve counters, crossing his arms over his chest. I sigh, setting the sweater down in my bag as I feel the fight drain from me just a little.
        "Because everything here reminds me of what I used to be able to do. This place reminds me what I used to have, and I need to get away from it." Steve's shoulders slump at my explanation. "Steve, I feel so empty here. I'm reminded of it all."
        "Are you sure though? Really sure?" He asks. "This is Asgard."
        "I know. I've been there before." I reply, shooting him a pointed look. "Just think of it as me taking leave." Steve gives me a look, and I let out a long breath. "I'm sure, Steve. I'm sure. Just let me go." Steve is quiet before he nods once, reaching into his back pocket and pulling something out. I frown, confused until he holds out two familiar cylinders. 
        "I've been looking for my swords everywhere!" I exclaim, taking them from him. "Are you serious?"
        "You're leaving today, and I wanted to talk to you." He replies, as if that gave him the right.
        "You stole my swords!" I shoot back. "Oh my gosh. What next? Is Stark going to steal my underwear to keep me here to talk about some tech stuff? All of my pants?" I huff. "Maybe you could just walk in and talk to me next time? Like a normal person?"
        "I said that I was sorry." Steve replies quickly. I raise an eyebrow, and I'm a little satisfied that he at least looks guilty. I put my swords in my own back pocket before I zip up my duffle bag. 
        "Have you ever thought," I muse, resting my bag on my shoulder, "that I might want to leave because the members on the team keep doing things like this?" I head out of my room, stopping in the doorway, turning back to look at Steve again, "And that maybe if we hadn't broken up because I was attracted to another guy, this sort of behavior might have pushed us that way?"
        I simply shrug, leaving it up in the air as I leave. Everyone was waiting supposed to be waiting in the living room, though when I arrive, Loki is still glaringly absent. Thor looks up when I walk in and frowns, glancing behind me as well. 
        "Where is-"
        "I thought he was with you, so don't ask me." I counter before Thor can ask. Thor sighs and nods once as I set my duffle down.
        "Are you sure you would like to come with us, Lady Winters?" Fandral asks, eyeing my bag. 
        "Why does everyone keep asking that?" I exclaim. "Of course I'm sure. I wouldn't say I wanted to come if I wasn't sure. Why does everyone doubt that?" Fandral blinks in surprise at my outburst, glancing at the others for help. I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean to snap."
        "It's alright." He replies. "With all that's gone on, I don't blame you for being upset." I nod once, thankful he accepted my apology, and sit down next to Thor. It wasn't like Loki to just be late to things, but he was also being ordered back to Asgard, where he knows his own father is going to shun him. I didn't exactly blame him for wasting time. 
        "So...." I trail off, feeling a little awkward in the silence. "Do you know why I'm being requested to come?" I ask Heimdal, only mildly curious. I had a feeling I knew, but I'd rather my suspicions be confirmed if they could be. 
        "The queen requested that you come alongside Loki as he returned. She has been keeping an eye on you both since you returned to Midgard." Heimdal replies, easily avoiding the question. I just nod, letting it go. If he didn't want to tell me, then fine. 
        "Ophelia?" I turn at the new voice, spotting my sister in the doorway. Her eyes move from me to my duffle, and her shoulders slump. "You're really going?" She asks quietly, a small frown shaping her lips. 
        I... yeah. Yeah, I am." I get to my feet. "I'm sorry Cor, I need to go." I watch her take a deep breath and nod before looking back up at me. 
        "I get it." She replies, surprising me. "You've been through a lot. I went through some stuff in college and took a long road trip that I couldn't afford to take with finals coming up. Mom and Dad were pissed." She walks a little further into the room, hugging herself. "Wes wants to pack up and move back to our apartment now that there's no more threat. He said something about moving on with our lives."
        "Your fiancé is smart. You should listen to him once in a while." Cordelia nods. "Listen, I don't know how long I'll be gone, so you should get back to your life. I have your number, and you have mine. I'll call you as soon as I get back, okay?" Cordelia nods, moving forward slowly before taking me lightly in a hug. I don't flinch, don't try to pull back like I had before, but just hug her back. 
        "I'll miss you." Cordelia murmurs. "A lot. I know we didn't spend that much time together, but I got used to having a sister again." I wasn't expecting that, and the ache in my chest is a shock.
        "I'll miss you too." I reply, squeezing her a little tighter before letting her go. I spot Loki and Nat in the doorway, watching us silently, and I was positive the asgardians behind us were doing the same. "I'll see you soon." My sister nods, giving me one last sad smile before heading out. The second she's out the door, Loki moves forward, taking my hand in his. 
        "Are you alright?" He asks, concerned. I nod once, squeezing his hand.
        "Are we leaving now that you've decided to show up?" I tease, forcing a small smile. Loki glances at the others, nodding when he receives conformation. "Lets go then." I turn and grab my duffle, slinging it over my shoulder as the others stand. We all head out to Tony's helicopter pad, Thor leading with Loki and I trailing behind. There's quite a few of us standing there, and I wonder if the Bifrost will be able to take us all in one trip.
        "Heimdal?" Thor looks to the warrior, and Heimdal nods, looking up to the sky. I see a bright dot in the sky that comes closer and closer, a myriad of colors, before it impacts and sucks us into space.

In The Shadows | LokiWhere stories live. Discover now