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The last time I had traveled through the Bifrost, I had been unconscious. Now, though, I was wide awake and watching space fly by with awe. We shoot past planets, past galaxies, past stars, and it's some of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. All too soon, the end is in sight, and I feel Loki grab my hand.
        "Brace yourself." He murmurs, low enough that no one else would hear. I nod, readying myself to land on my feet with whatever impact came. It was less of an impact, though, and more of a try not to fall forward as you steady yourself sort of situation. Loki kept a hold on my hand, making sure I was steady as we all landed. 
        Heimdal moves from the group, quickly retaking his place on the up the stairs and onto the platform in the dome. My eyes dart around the dome, taking in what I had been in too much pain to notice the last time I was here. Loki squeezes my hand, and once glance at him showed me the slight concern in his face.
        Odin and Frigga were at the entrance of the dome, where the sunlight streamed in and glittered off of the rainbow bridge. Odin's expression is carefully neutral, but Frigga is smiling widely, and moves quickly towards the group when everything appears to have settled. She passes the guards without hesitation, grabbing both Thor and Loki as she pulls them down into a tight hug. I smile a little when Loki relaxes into the embrace, knowing how grateful he was to see his mother again. I step to the side, moving closer to Sif to give the three of them room. 
        "My sons." Frigga murmurs. "I am so glad you're back." She pulls out of the embrace, letting both of her sons go back to their full height. Then Frigga turns towards me, and I don't have time to stop the startled look on my face when she pulls me into a hug as well. It takes a second for my brain to figure out what was happening, but once I do I hesitantly accept the hug, loosely wrapping my arms around her. "You've been through so much." She whispers, so lowly that I nearly miss it. There was no chance on anyone around us hearing. "You're so strong. Thank you for coming." I blink in surprise when she pulls back, the wide smile still on her face. 
        "Guards." Both Frigga and I turn at Odin's voice, and I watch as one of the guards nods, pulling out handcuffs before turning towards Loki.
        "Wait-" I protest, but Loki cuts me off with a shake of his head. He holds out his wrists without protest, and the guard snaps the cuffs back on. "They asked you back here. You shouldn't have to wear-"
        "I am still a criminal, darling." Loki cuts me off again. "The people here still see me as such. Even if Odin didn't want too, the people need to see that I'm paying for what I've done." My frown doesn't let up, but I nod anyway, watching the guard snap the thick cuffs on. The chain linking them is clearly heavy, but at least this time Loki isn't being led around like a dog. Odin has at least granted him that small dignity, though I wasn't sure if it was intentional, or if the guard simply didn't have the rest of the chain on him. 
        With one motion of his head, Odin has everyone moving, beginning the long walk down the rainbow bridge. I was a little surprised when Frigga hung back with Thor, Loki, and I, but she was their mother, and they both had been gone a while. I suppose it made sense for her to stick close to her sons.
        The city is prettier when I'm not dying or mortally injured. The gold of the buildings and castle glitter in the sunlight, and somehow it doesn't look gaudy. It's simply beautiful, glittering in the sun, almost what I'd imagine heaven to look like. The city around the palace is bustling with midday work, people fliting from shop to shop without worry. It's only when we begin walking through that the city seems to go still. The people move to the sides of the street, the only noise a quiet murmur as they whispered to one another. 
        Most of the eyes flew to Loki the second they looked away from Odin. The last thing they had likely heard about him was that he was banished to Midgard. There was no telling what they were thinking now, especially with me walking by his side. Loki hadn't been wrong about the cuffs though, as I saw more than one person relax at the sight of them. He was still branded a criminal, and while I couldn't blame them, I didn't have to agree with it. 
        The amount of eyes on me, though, made me feel like I was under a microscope. I hadn't left the palace when I was here last time at least, not in a way that would allow anyone to get a good look at me. Even when I had left, the streets had been oddly bare of anyone's presence. Now I had to wonder if the lack of people had been intentional. 
        It takes less time than I had originally thought to reach the palace, and Odin leads everyone straight to the throne room. I can't stop my eyes from wandering as I take in the pillars and tapestries, my eyes landing on the mural on the ceiling of the room. Loki, Odin, Thor, and Frigga are all clearly depicted in the middle, with Odin fighting various wars, Thor and Loki both in battle poses.... It was magnificent and overwhelming. 
        Odin takes his seat at his throne, which rested high above the rest of us. Frigga sends both of her boys a small smile before moving to join her husband and stand at his side. The guards move off to the sides of the hall, and the Warriors three and Sif move to stand at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the throne. Thor sends Loki and I one last look before joining them, leaving us alone in the middle of the room. 
        "Loki." Loki stands tall, refusing to do anything that made him appear less than in front of Odin. "Your banishment has been lifted for a  limited amount of time. You will be contained to your rooms. If you have to go anywhere besides your rooms, you will be taken via guards and restraints." Odin is oddly calm about this. "Winters, you'll be with him unless instructed otherwise. If you decide to leave his rooms, you must have someone with you." No restraints for me though. He didn't have enough of a reason to give me any, and it wasn't like I was overwhelmingly dangerous anymore. "Any violation of these rules will result in you being sent back to Midgard. Is that understood?" He looks between the two of us, watching for any sort of rejection of his rules. 
        "Understood." Loki replies, voice even. I nod in agreement. Odin watches us for a moment before looking to the Warriors three. 
        "Take Loki to his chambers." Frigga was moving as Odin talked, making her way down the stairs. "My wife has something she needs Winters for." I glance at Loki, but he doesn't look bothered. 
        "I'll see you in a little bit." He murmurs, a small smile on his face. "Mother will keep you safe. If she needs you for something, it won't be anything dangerous."
        "You're good with me leaving you?" I ask, knowing he was probably going to be on edge the entire time I was here. Loki simply nods, leaning over to press a soft kiss to my cheek. 
        "Ophelia?" I look to Frigga, who's eyes are sparkling, a small smile on her lips. "Would you mind accompanying me?" I nod, moving towards her as the Warriors three and Sif lead Loki away. Thor was staying here, I wasn't sure what for, but I was sure it probably wouldn't be pleasant. 
        "Where are we going, your majesty?" I ask, giving my attention to the queen. Frigga's smile never wavers, an oddly comforting reassurance. 
        "To the healers." I blink in surprise.
        "I'm not-"
        "I know what happened on earth, Ophelia. I want to see if I can help you." She leads me out a side door, beginning a trek through the golden halls. 
        "Really?" She nods. "Thank you."

In The Shadows | LokiWhere stories live. Discover now