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I dismiss the two guards that had come in to watch over Loki when I had left to find Thor. It's only after they leave, and the doors close do I walk up to the  cage. I hesitate before concentrating, walking through the glass and into the cell. Loki looks up when I do that, surprised.
        "You're in my cell."
        "Excellent observation skills. How ever did we catch you?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. He looks amused at that, and stands. "Touch me and you won't live to see any sort of freedom ever again." He regards me with a small smirk.
        "I think I've learned my lesson with that." He replies.
        "For some reason, I doubt that." I shoot back, and a familiar smirk appears on his face. While I stand near the middle of the, Loki slowly circles me, walking the perimeter of the cell. He stalls behind me, hesitating in his stride, and I turn slightly. "See something you like?" I ask, putting a hand on my hip.
        "Am I being that obvious?" He asks, the smirk not fading. I'm surprised by his bluntness.
        "Hey." I snap my fingers in front of his face. "Eyes up here." He glances up, his eyes meeting mine. What I see in those eyes only makes me more sure that the man standing in front of me is not in complete control of himself.
        "Why are you in my cell?" He asks. I shrug.
        "I've got questions only you can answer." He raises an eyebrow, moving to stand in front of me.
        "I didn't think you were permitted to ask questions." Loki says. I shrug again.
        "Well, I can guarantee that  they're watching this, and the fact that they haven't burst in all upset means that they want to see how this plays out." I reply, making sure not to let him out of my sight. "So, I've got questions." After a long moment, he motions for me to go on. I notice that he isn't letting me out of his sight either.
        "Why?" The question is simple. "From what I understand, you attacked Thor on earth last year. So why this? Why now?" He narrows his eyes at that.
        "How much did Thor tell you?" He answers my question with a question.
        "You were his adoptive brother. That you discovered that you weren't his blood brother, and that he hadn't known either. That you got upset." I pause before going on. "There is a reason that we have laws about adoption. Here you have to tell a child that they're adopted. Otherwise....." I glance up at Loki. "Well, you happen." I motion to him. "It's destructive to the mind, as you are so nicely showing."
        Loki doesn't reply, but a slightly annoyed look crosses his face for a split second. "And something happened with Odin, your adoptive father. He fell asleep or something. You took over and attacked, and when Thor got back to Asgard your big portal thing fell apart and you fell into deep space. Thor thought you were dead." I wave my hand dismissively. "I didn't really pay attention to the specifics. I just sort of glanced over the file."
        "So you know that I was lied to my entire life. That the people I thought loved me lied to me." I roll my eyes.
        "Your family does love you. Well, at least Thor from what I've seen. It could've been worse."
        "Worse." He scoffs. "I discovered I was a monster that I was brought up to hate, and you think it could be worse."  I nod.
        "On earth, when you can do the sort of thing I can do, when you have unusual talents.... The people that have them are called mutants, and they aren't accepted." I glance out the glass, and then return my eyes to Loki. "When my family discovered that I was a mutant, they kicked me out of the house. It was the middle of winter, it was the middle of the night, and my parents let me leave with the clothes on my back and whatever I could fit into a tiny backpack." Loki looks slightly surprised. "But you don't see me trying to take over the world, now do you?"
        He doesn't respond. "Now, can we get back to my original question? Why?"
        "Because I want and deserve what I was promised my entire life. To rule." I roll my eyes.
        "Okay, now really. Why?" He narrows his eyes at me, studying me.
        "I just told you."
        "No, you gave me the typical bad guy answer. You have daddy issues. Who doesn't?" I cross my arms. "Now, the real answer." He leans forward, his face getting almost too close to mine.
        "I. Deserve. To rule." He says in a low voice, daring me to doubt him.
        "Okay, okay." I say, holding up my hands. "Whatever. Stick with that answer. That's your choice." He frowns, moving back and out of my personal space. "New question."
        "I figured you would have another." He says, voice dismissive.
        "Well, I did say questions, as in plural." I reply. He waits for me to go on. "Where were you? Thor said that you fell into deep space, and you obviously ended up somewhere."
        "Why should I tell you?" He asks, taking a few steps to the side.
        "Who else do you have to tell?" I ask. "Thor?" Thor's name seemed to push just the right button, and Loki looked slightly frustrated.
        "I landed on a desolate and abandoned planet. I landed in a place of darkness." He's seething now, looking entirely rage filled. "When I landed on that planet, I thought I had landed in hell." I purse my lips, giving him a long look.
        "Now see, I don't believe you." His nose flares, and he takes a step back. "Not entirely, anyway." At almost the drop of a dime, his expression goes from rage to curiosity. "I believe everything except the abandoned part. You weren't alone. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to get here. You would've been stuck. Someone gave you that spear, and someone gave you your power. Someone gave you an army." I take a step closer to him. "And someone showed you how to control other people's minds, all while controlling yours." He lets out a dark chuckle.
        "You think my mind is not my own?" He asks, shaking his head. "I am completely in control of myself, Love." I suck in a sharp breath, looking slightly regretful.
        "Hm.... No. No you aren't." I send him my own smirk. "You believe what they want you too. Whatever you think, it runs through them first."
        "You know nothing." Loki hisses.
        "Obviously...." I trail off, giving him a long look. "I know more than enough." I take steps backwards until I slip through the glass of the cell, moving out of the cell. "And you can't do a thing about it." He studies me for a long moment.
        "You're becoming a valuable player in this game." He murmurs, narrowing his eyes.
        "Oh honey...." I trail off. "I've always been a valuable player in this game. The problem for you is that I'm only just now showing my cards."

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