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        "How the hell could this have happened?" The Captain demands, anger lacing his tone. "You five were going out to get drinks. Four powerful mutants and a god, yet somehow Ophelia still got taken? How?" We were all standing in the common room, the Avengers on one side, the mutants and I on the other. 
        "Look, we were planning to get the drop on them." Logan huffs, looking a little annoyed at the order. "We knew they were going to be there. We had a plan." 
        "I knew it was a bad idea." I murmur angrily. "I should've stopped her." Storm snorts at that, shaking her head with some amusement, despite the frown still on her face.
        "We all know she's stubborn enough that trying to talk her out of it wasn't an option." She replies, getting slight nods of agreement from both sides of the room. 
        "That doesn't really matter right now, now does it?" Fury replies with anger. "The most powerful mutant on earth is missing, without her powers, and we don't have a lead on where she is!" 
        "Director Fury, correct me if I'm wrong," the Director looks annoyed that I'm even speaking to him, "but she isn't your agent, and therefore, more our problem than yours, no?" I finish. His nostrils flare with anger. 
        "If someone who can wipe out a city goes missing, it makes it my problem." He replies in a low, threatening voice. I shrug.
        "And your best agents are here." I motion to Natasha and Clint. "We can easily find her without your angry interruptions." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Natasha raise an eyebrow at that. Fury gives me a long look, trying to figure out if I was being serious. "We will find her, or I will die trying." I inform him. I see him take in a deep breath, jaw clenched. Fury turns to Romanoff, anger clear. 
        "I want updates every time you find something of value." He orders, leaving little room for argument.
        "And the mole?" She asks simply. A muscle in Fury's jaw ticks. 
        "Updates come directly to Maria or I. No on else." He replies. "Is that understood?"
        "Yes sir." Fury nods once at the confirmation, turning to the woman, Maria. They both turn and move for the elevator, heading for the jet they had landed on the roof of Stark's building. It's only after Friday confirms that they've taken off that people relax. The Captain glances at Logan, then to me. 
        "You were planning to get the drop on them, so what happened?" Logan answers the Captain before I can. 
        "The motherfuc-" A glare from the Captain makes Logan raise an eyebrow, as if asking if he was serious. "He just disappeared with her."
        "Just disappeared?" Stark asks, raising an eyebrow. "Like teleportation?" He glances at me. "Magic?"
        "If it was magic, I would've felt it. This was..." I shake my head, "This was something else."
        "It kinda looked like what happened when Kurt disappears and reappears." Logan replies, eyebrows furrowing. Rogue perks up at that, looking concerned. Storm and Jean frown as well, exchanging a look.
        "Kurt wouldn't-"
        "Who's Kurt?" Tony cuts her off.
        "He's just a kid. A blue mutant with a tail and etchings in his skin. It wasn't him, I can tell you that." Logan informs the Avengers. "That kid would die before working against us, especially Rogue and Ophelia." He glances towards the younger woman. "We all know he adored you two. It was like a freaking puppydog."
        "He was sweet. Unlike you." Storm comments, earning a grunt from the man. Jean is still frowning.
        "Where is Kurt?" She asks. "I know he's on his trip, but has anyone heard from him?" One glance around, and no one nods or speaks up. Rogue pulls out her phone, dialing without a second thought.
        "So another mutant might be missing." Natasha adds with a frown. There's a long pause.
        "Shit." Logan breathes, standing straight. 
        "What?" Steve asks, concerned at the man's sudden change in attitude. To be fair, so was I, though I did not show it as transparently as he did. 
        "Logan, you don't think...." Storm trails off, sudden concern on her features.
        "Sir?" Jarvis interrupts before Logan can answer. "Mr. Odinson and some of his friends have landed on the roof." I let out a long sigh. My brother showing up was the last thing I needed. 
        Tony has Jarvis lead Thor and company from the roof down to the living room. When the elevator doors open, I see not only my brother, but Sif and the Warriors three as well. Thor searches the room, eyes landing on me. 
        "Brother, Heimdall told me what happened."
        "Of course he did." I sigh quietly, jaw clenching with annoyance.
        "Ophelia was taken? How?" He continues as if I hadn't spoken. "She's one of the most powerful people on the planet, and with you by her side, this shouldn't have happened." 
        "I know!" I exclaim angrily, making his eyes go wide with some surprise. "I know, Thor!" There's a long silence as I take in a deep breath. "Please tell me Heimdall told you where she was taken." I say after a moment, desperate. "Please." 
        "He couldn't see her."  Thor replies after a moment, glancing towards his companions. "Whoever took her. They're blocking his sight somehow. He tried, but he couldn't see her after she was taken." 
        "Dammit!" I can't stop the burst of angry power that floods the room. I see the warriors three tense, and Sif's hand twitches towards her sword. 
        "Loki..." I hear Thor trail off, cautious. Everyone else is watching, waiting to see what was going to happen. 
        "I'm fine, Thor." I say after a moment. "We have to find her. Now." 
        "And we will help you." Thor sets a hand on my shoulder, trying to be reassuring. "We're here for you. We'll find her." I nod once, my lips pressed into a thin line as I try not to let my frustration show.
        "Kurt isn't answering." Rogue speaks up after a few moments of silence. "I've tried three times." Storm and Jean both turn back to her.
        "Call the professor, see if he can figure out if any more mutants have gone missing." Storm replies, and Rogue nods, glancing at the new arrivals before heading to the hallway so she can speak privately. 
        "If they're collecting mutants, we need to figure out what for." Jean redirects the conversation. "Especially if they've somehow managed to harness Kurt's power." 
        "We don't know that they've done that." The Captain replies. I feel a dull tugging sensation and frown, hand fluttering to my chest. I take in a deep breath as Stark pipes up about doing a power search, and the tugging feeling comes again, this time sharper and more painful. 
        "Loki?" I can distantly hear Natasha's voice. The tug comes again, even more painful than before. I grip the back of the couch Rogue had been sitting on with my free hand. I feel like I can't get a breath in. 

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